mapped by Kiwahara
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Subjective but currently some of the jump patterns on the outro 01:33:967 could be better organized to represent the guitar layer which looks like is the focus in this section.

Taking for example this 01:36:020 (4,5,6) - which represents very well the guitar sounds and comparing to 01:37:915 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - the second doesn't seems to be representing the guitar that much.

01:41:073 (4,5,6) - also has a similar strumming pattern as the first one but it plays just as ordinary jumps.

Making some of them more similar to 01:36:020 (4,5,6) would be nice to make the guitar sound stand out.


very good catch but i do aware of this when i map, for clarification the first jumps were only 3 notes while the later one was much more longer, i'm not a fan of using overlap jumps when it comes to longer ones like this. Instead the idea was the flow break (and nc too) when the guitar changes at 01:38:388 (1) - and i think it's super cool so i would like to keep it as is :D

Marked as resolved by Kiwahara

Completely optional but would be a nice touch if you mute your 3/4 slider ends at least in the calm section 00:25:994 00:29:152 00:31:046 since there's no sound going on.



Marked as resolved by Kiwahara

00:33:494 - hitsounding in this section is incredibly loud, consider lowering the volume or the samples by like... a lot


blame default sampleset lol, it sounds jarring in the editor but kinda ok in gamplay i think, but i will lower it to 50% #3852999

Marked as resolved by Kiwahara