00:00:392 (1) - and 00:01:725 (1) - Have the same sounds but the first one is a 1/1 slider, and the second is a 1/2. I suggest making them the same. Either or works.
I'm reopening this because it doesn't really make sense to have them be the same.
00:00:392 (1) - This has only a single hit on the start of the slider while 00:01:725 (1) would have hits on the start and the end of the slider. Changing 00:00:392 (1) into a single circle or 1/1 slider would work out a lot better.
yea thats the thing i was considering about, since someone else mentioned it i will revert it back to the original
00:01:058 (2,3,4,5) - and 00:02:391 (3,4,5) - is follow the instrumental but hitsound cover the instrumental
so who first listen this music will make confused because 00:01:058 (2,3,4,5) - and 00:02:391 (3,4,5) - should the same
I think can make hs different or nc 00:02:725 (4) -
00:01:725 (1,2) - I think 1,2's distance is too far and will read to 1/1 or not 1/2
so I think make 00:01:725 (1,2) - more closer
the rhythm change i made on your previous mod turned this slider 00:01:725 (1) into a reversing slider
00:02:558 (3) - there isn't any sound on this and you don't need to repeat the first pattern, better to make 00:02:391 (2) - a slider instead
thank goodness i was not the only one. made the slider curved instead, maybe that would make it look better
00:05:558 (6,1) - spacing suddenly decreases for no good reason and its also really cluttered especially with the slider directly after
00:05:725 (1,2) - Consider ctrl-g this so that sound on 00:05:891 is represented properly with a clickable beat. This would also make the slider consistent with 00:06:391.
redid the slider in 00:05:725 (1,2) rather than just ctrl-g, should look and feel better to play
00:05:725 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - this entire section is on the left side of the screen lol
00:05:725 (1,2) - i believe u can do something with this combo of sounds. you could stack a circle on the slider and it creates a good reference
00:06:891 (7) - overlaps a little with 00:06:391 (5) - would be cuter if you moved 7 a bit higher.
00:07:058 (1,2) -was trying to align 00:07:058 (1,2,5)
00:16:058 (6,1) -changed
00:25:725 (1,2) -this part definitely feels a bit off to me, changed
00:58:058 (3) -changed
01:04:891 (2,3) -kept this here for the time being unless someone else agrees
01:17:058 - what
00:08:058 (5) - you should try to place it somewhere else, cause you're trying for the whole map to make it look clean with no overlaps, but here you're overlapping these two objects 00:07:391 (2,5)
disagree. dont really hear any sounds in the audio to warrant a clap, i can only hear kicks
00:09:058 (1,2) - Not sure if you wanted to make it this way cause right now this jump is uncomfortable, and the rest of the jumps are pretty comfortable
00:09:725 (3) - i recommend a new combo here just because the intensity of the song at this point is very different to the previous section and should be split
00:12:391 (1,3) - The spacing between these notes are a bit too close, move (3) to around x:399 y:213
00:12:891 (5) - For a normal diff this slider should probably end on the red tick to follow the vocals
anyways, i disagree on this. since the sliderend is passive, i dont think it should be a problem
00:13:725 (1,2) - Since you primarily follow the vocals in this section, I would make this a slider instead of 2 separate notes.
00:13:725 (1,2,3) - slider 1 seems to be implying that 3 is the next object to hit when it isn't
00:14:891 (7,1) - and 00:18:891 (6,1) - you don't stack the notes, but at 00:24:225 (7,1) - you do. I would stack them like at 00:24:225 (7,1) -
00:15:558 (3) - cleaner if you stack under 00:14:725 (5) - , it's basically almost there and would read better.
00:36:891 (2) - same, stack under 00:35:891 (4) - slider tail since it's basically there and reads better overall
00:15:558 (3) - good idea, changed
00:36:891 (2) - i could have sworn this was stacked already, changed
00:16:391 (1,2,3,4) - Simplifies the rhythm way too much, this doesn't feel like the song at all.
00:16:891 (3,4) - there is a rather active sound, it is better to express it with large spacing. especially judging by 00:12:391 (1,2,3) - 00:14:558 (4,5) - 00:19:558 (3,4) -, some of the jumps seem chaotic to me, I don't understand what exactly you follow and I can't find a clear concept, it is blurry.
00:21:391 (3,1) - players can be confused as it's 1/2. it would be better to keep them closer https://imgur.com/dYfPUQ1 like this.
00:21:391 (3,1,2,3) - move these object a little bit higher because these 00:22:058 (2,3) notes are out of area too
again neither AiMod nor Mapset Verifier said it was out of area. maybe if someone else thinks so too then i will change it
00:21:725 (1,2) - you should increse the spacing here cause when the circle was on white tick you used this kind of spacing 00:19:058 (1,2) but in this situation you used the same spacing as when the circle was on red tick 00:17:225 (5,6) so increase spacing to make more sense
00:23:891 (5,6) - Make this a 1/2 slider instead so that the vocals would correlate with the slider better.
00:24:391 -> 00:27:058 - The jumps here are pretty overkill for this section. The duration of these jumps in this section are the longest in the difficulty, and its not even the kiai.
For 00:24:391 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - You can clearly hear that there are vocals are back on 00:24:725 (2).
And then these jumps 00:26:058 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - You should nerf the durations of the jumps. These jumps would make more sense in a kiai rather then here.
00:26:058 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - turned (3,4) into a slider and rearranged the notes, jumps should feel less intense
00:24:725 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - can you make these jumps have some sort of visual appearance at the moment they look and feel like random jumps
00:26:225 (3,4) - overlap at this moment looks inappropriate, why not do the same as here 00:27:558 (3,4,5)?
e.g.: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16465815/1813
i think 00:27:725 (4,5) - should have the high spacing and not 00:27:558 (3,4) to emphasize the high note vocal
00:28:225 (1) - I understand your intention with the stack, but the distance between 00:28:225 (1,2) - highly decreased, I'd move 00:28:225 (1) - further as well.
00:29:558 (5) - Add a note here since there is a soft hi-hat sound. Maybe around x:184 y:122
00:30:725 (5,6) - the voice in this part is amplified, I think it is worth increasing the distance
00:30:725 (5) - maybae place this like that for better looks https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16489450/1e1b
you followed drum sound here 00:31:058 (1,2) -, so I recommend change this 00:31:725 (3,4) - just like https://imgur.com/Psidrjl this also to follow drum sound
00:31:058 (1) - the bookmark here start a whole new section for the song, this section is calmer then the section before, but you can't feel that when playing so I reccomend making this section less spaced to make notable difference
00:32:391 (1,2,3,4,5) - this looks kind of ugly, something like https://ibb.co/Jr3S8SL looks a bit better imo
00:32:725 (2,3,4) - ctrl-g these beats. The slider 00:33:058 (4) has noticeable vocal hits on the start and end of it.
00:33:058 (4) - Increase the spacing away from the (2) or since the (4) and (5) are lined up. Move the (2) closer to x:197 y:132
Too close also 00:35:058 (1,2) -
00:44:725 (3) -
00:56:891 (3,4) -
01:03:058 (2,5) -
01:11:558 (3,1) -
made 00:32:725 (2) overlap with 00:35:391 (2) instead, it should still even out the spacings between 3 and 4
kinda on the fence on 00:35:058 (1,2) . i feel if i made it farther, people might think that (1) is a 1/2 slider instead. slightly moved it away anyway
00:33:391 (5,1) - the spacing of these two notes is large for the intensity of the section. consider nerfing
00:35:391 (2) - make it overlap with 00:34:725 (6) - (https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16673897/34e3)
it look better, and follow to the flow
Frequent finish hit sounds.
"soft-hitfinish.wav" may be obnoxious without custom samples.
Used most frequently leading up to 00:39:725 (5) - in [Insane].
idk abt this one, i definitely did saw the warning but doesn't seem too bad since I did use a custom sample
and i don't think you should stack 1/2 beat rhythms like at 00:43:391 (3,4) unless you make it consistent with the music in some way especially considering most of your half beats are jumps anyways
00:45:725 (1,2,3) - in this part, the voice becomes harsh, and it would be cool to cross it out like you did in 00:51:058 (1,2,3) - 00:56:391 (1,2,3) - . this moment can throw the player into a stupor
00:46:225 (3,4) - flows really weird with no support from music. there's a bunch of other places where it has the exact same problem and im not going to point them all out but keep this in mind
00:48:225 - this part doesn't need to exist since you filled it at 00:53:058 (5,6), consider using the same rhythm or 2 1/2 sliders if you want to make them different since the second part has a distinct background sound
00:50:391 (1,2,3) - Swap the spots of them. It would be better to have a slider represent the held vocal rather then two circles.
00:53:725 (1,2,3,4,5) - feels underwhelming here since there's an added instrument layer here that builds up the song. I would increase spacing or even make this into a jump section
increased the spacing, i feel that it would be a little too much if it were to be made into a jump section
00:58:391 (4) - this definitely needs a slider to keep your rhythm consistent, i see no other times where you've done this, and theres clearly a sound on the red tick.
00:59:725 (6,7,8) - again nitpick but circle 8 could be a bit further out and look better aesthetically imo https://ibb.co/1bMr4XV
01:00:891 (3,4,5) - you cant just ignore the held vocal here when you followed it for the rest of the kiai
on second thought i will revert it back to a circle, another mod had given a better idea. sorry!
never really thought of stacking on top of another note with a 1/1 gap, but this seem to work well
01:08:225 (1,2,3,4,5) - again with circles awkwardly inside circles https://ibb.co/R66bmPX (gonna stop posting these because i'm sure you understand, just watch the map through and if you agree with the aesthetic changes i'm proposing you'll find them all very easily)
The gap from 01:09:058 (5) -> 01:09:391 (6) to 01:09:391 (6) -> 01:09:725 (1) is noticeably different even though they have the same emphasis in the song. Have spacing be equivalent to each other.
01:12:391 (1,2,3) - what are you trying to follow here, if you are following vocals it's better to make them a circle and a 1/2 stacked
01:13:391 (3) - Extend to the red tick (may have to adjust so that it overlaps the repeat slider so the visual spacing is consistent with the other patterns)
01:18:058 (3,4) - after this jump, this 01:18:725 (6,7) - seems awkward. maybe slightly change the spacing?
Convert 01:19:391 (2,3) into a 1/2 slider so that the held violin corresponds with the slider. And then make 01:19:725 (4) two active circle so that the three violin notes are represented with clickable beats.
01:23:058 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - i feel like the jumps here do not match with the song. they seem to be too big for the intensity at this part
01:23:891 (2) - Just change this into two circles. You can hear guitar and violin hits for 3 beats.
i think reversing the direction is not a good idea since 01:23:558 (1) - already shows anticlockwise movement, but i did add the nc
i was contemplating on whether to extend the slider since i felt that it was too long, changed.