Pre-August 2021 Device: Lenovo Ideapad 330 Laptop 2018 Keyboard: HyperX Alloy w/ Cherry MX Browns USB Keyboard Mouse: Logitech G502 HERO 800 DPI 1x sens Keys: q w middle/index
Post-August 2021: Device: HP Pavilion i3-10700 GTX 1650 Super Display: Sceptre 165Hz Digital TV @ 144Hz Keyboard: same Mouse: same (might've switched to 900 dpi around November cant remember) Tablet: huion 620 33x48mm drag (hovered until 2024) Keys: g d index/ring
April 22 2022: FGSky switched to tablet so i guess i will steal my sisters huion 610. (60mm 1.77aspect ratio area)
fast jumps and dt are literally not possible bro nvm ig dt is my free pp button now
Hitorigoto -TV Mix- [Insane] 97.32% FC (12/24/2020) This play took 553 plays idk why
SHIORI -TV size mix- [Apex] 87.02% FC (2/14/2021) trashed the acc but idc what anyone says this is the hardest aim score I've done up to this point and I still have no idea how I did this
First Storm feat. Hatsune Miku [Akitoshi's Insane] 97.11% FC (4/16/2021) I've been trying for this score for so long!!! dropped a lot of acc in the calm section but idc
Beat Syncer [Insane] 99.17% FC (4/16/2021) ryan finally gets non cringe acc!! 4th fc btw
Tower of Heaven [Another] 96.44% FC (5/22/2021) Long overdue but better late then never! was holding 99.3% in the first half and the acc didn't tank too much considering what kind of map this is so really proud of this
Storytellers [Lunatic] 97.52% FC (5/22/2021) choked the acc majorly but still pretty cool honestlyfixed it sorta 3rd s rank lmao finally not shit accuracy lmfao 4th s rank original fc was on 4/9
United (L.A.O.S. Remix) [Infinity] pass (5/24/2021) ?????????? also my heart was beating almost as fast as this song for the ending god this was so stressful
HONESTY [DISHONEST] +HT pass (5/24/2021) pop off day les go really should've been a C rank but hey I'm not complaining I've been trying a long time for this
Ascension to Heaven [Death] pass (6/5/2021) yeah I doubletapped the ending I don't care this map is hard as fuck and terrible and I'm glad I passed as fast as I did
Through the Fire and Flames [Myth] pass (6/5/2021) didn't doubletap this one! finally I passed this after months
Highscore [Game Over] pass (7/12/2021) the hardest map that came bundled with my original installation of the game (2018). gg
Kyouran Hey Kids!! [God of Speed] pass (7/12/2021) 5 stars my fucking ass weirdchamp but yeah passed this finally after 3 fails at 99% less go
Genryuu Kaiko [Melody of Sanzu] 96.45% FC (7/12/2021) yeah I know the acc is cringe but this map was so hard for me and I finally fcd! 177 bpm peak heart rate monkaS
Storytellers [Stories That Last Through The Sleepless Nights] pass (9/20/2021) i come back to the game after finally healing from rsi and suddenly im able to deathstream 190 and this is easy even though ive always wanted to pass this k then
Tower of Heaven [Extra] 96.79% one sb (11/5/2021) stream training arc pays off :sunglasses: my second best acc was like 92 LMAO i sliderbroke at the end and ill fc at some point but for now its cool
SPUTNIK-3 [Expert] pass (11/26/2021) sheeeee
osu!memories [Happy Memories] pass (11/27/2021) wasn't even that hard even though I was hella shaky after everything will freeze. i hit like every stream in that part LOL
2022 Goals (april update: im running out of goals already so time to add more)
bill's honesty pass
fc a 6 star i technically sliderbroke on the last slider but i dont care ROG FIRST 6 STAR FC EZ (ok 3/27 edit i ACd midnight siege dt)
pass an 8 star no doubletap (hidamari Pepega moment) (well this got a lot harder after rework) (choked happpy song L+ratio) 6/17/2022 lost umbrella slider cheese kekw
5 digit Pogpega 3/28/22 i am speeddd
FC kotori's and guy's night of knights
big black pass 11/28/2021 SHEEE
shotgun symphony EZ FC
notch hell HT FC
axion 160 95+
skin thief top diff pass
stream 230 for 64 on osu stream benchmark with <150 ur 4/7/2022 not sure about the UR but im marking this as achieved with my isogu 230 93.3 fc
300pp (cope harder)
hollow wings genryuu kaiko pass
I can dream too bro COPIUM
FC every ranked genryuu kaiko on osu std (2/7 the hollow wings one is the only ridiculously difficult one)
pass the hardest (by nm sr) ranked map in the game whatever it happens to be
galaxy collapse galaxy pass
galaxy collapse galactic pass
FC a 7 star
9 star pass no mod
10 star pass no mod
pass top diff of every ranked dragonforce map + the game, astral empire, galactic astro domination, my spirit will go on
updated objectives: - map an ATSOL set (kappaclysm speed training, cata (precision challenge)/bb(no mod)/aftermath (slider and dt alt challenge), apocalyptic trilogy (cs 6 unpassable with hr that derives into the above 3)) - rank space battle - map weird stuff with holy war - map all non-ranked Geometry Dash ost - map lunar abyss 2p - map galaxy collapse objective: map dimrain's entire FA soundtrack objective 2: map something that is not dogshit ( i am dogshit )
First map: Surface (12/28/2020) 5 maps: Dark Dragon Fire (3/6/2021) "10" maps: Remote Control (11/12/2021) First GD: Freedom Dive (weryuna) [ryan's EXTREME] (12/12/2021)
Inspirations Kroytz Riven Monstrata ItsWinter Fort DeRandom Otaku Mismagius
Thank yous stricker1392 and horrible kids for supporter My irl friends: horrible kids, Yumsicles, poglolxd, shaklarbs, imLapse, Kneshio for introducing me to the game and keeping me invested in it