00:20:201 (3,4) - Could move 3 units (Ctrl+Arrowkey) to the left in order to make it align better with 00:19:228 (2) -
00:38:039 (5,6) - Are you trying to make a consistent pattern or not, because from what i see from the others this one is different than the others. I am thinking what is your reason for doing this pattern. Why are you making a 3/4 slide next to circle while the rest of that part is using a full 1/1 slider.
1st instance - 00:35:445 (5) - 1/1
2nd instance - 00:38:039 (5,6) - 3/4
3rd instance - 00:40:634 (5) - 1/1
Music changes by the time I can do a 4th instance at 00:42:417 (2) - so ye it's consistent
00:39:985 (3,4,5) - Even out the distance between the sliders?
Looks unpleasant like this imo.
You could simply rotate 00:40:309 (4) - by 12 degrees with Selection Center on.
Basicly what this guy below me says.
00:40:634 (5) - be mindful of the visual spacing between the sliders here, https://gyazo.com/9cf692b732d5f066d0951ce5f9f5dfcc
00:41:607 (2) - unnecessary imo, 1/8 in insane is a bit much and it sounds weird
00:41:607 (2) - this sound is represented with an 1/8th slider but then at 00:44:201 (2) it is represented with a circle :thinking:. Well it's not the same sound, it's a little stronger, but it you could represent that with counter-flow, more spacing, etc. instead of throwing off the player with a 1/8th slider.
00:56:526 (1,2,3) - is the exact same thing as 01:01:715 (1,2,3,4) but they are represented differently for some reason. the sound at 00:57:174 should be a clickable object
01:05:120 - you ignore a sound here for some reason even tho it's the exact same sound at 01:04:958 (2)
01:06:904 (1,2,3,4,5) - clean up this pattern, right now it looks like https://gyazo.com/543e09293efa53c7a6e92be2af898fcc when it should look like https://gyazo.com/d6e59446fbc29d3c48de1cbf7d2a3700 (assuming you were going for an isometric pattern that is. If you were not going for an isometric pattern, clean up your visual spacing)
01:08:526 (1,2,3) - small, but maybe crtl+g here? cuz it sounds like these first 2 notes are stronger than the last 2
01:13:066 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i think you can afford to space these stacks, you would benefit from doing so because these are strong snares building up to the drop
01:18:255 (1) - doesn't flow or look right, move it down a little and keep your spacing consistent :]
01:24:255 (2,3,4,1) - This jump is really awkward ;w;... I think it would be better to overlap (4) with (2).
01:24:417 (3,4,1) - i think having linear flow here is weird with no change in the music from the sharp jumps at 01:24:093 (1,2,3) - . Try moving 01:24:580 (4) - to the right a bit or something else?
01:25:390 (1) - i think this would be better ending on the red tick because this 01:24:742 (1) - also ends on a melody note so this wouldn't feel weirdly inconsistent
01:25:715 (2,3) - mostly because of how different these are the (2) is click able unlike 01:24:742 (1) - because of the pitch up-rise, also it ending on a red tick wouldn't follow the extended sound that i went for
01:26:039 (1) - This one slider here touches the combo information, also it's almost off the play area which can be unrankable, consider to move it.
02:00:417 (1) - this ones similar but this one can probably be implied by the stream before it since its more iffy
the pitches bend on all of those though, hence why they're mapped like that. The pitch feels held but at the same time it changes a bit, it's audible enough for such a slider to be mapped that way, giving good feedback to the player. Mapping a normal idk 1/2 or 1/4 slider would lose on all density created or wouldn't fit the music respectively
I disagree here. the reverse arrow gives the player a loud clicking feedback (just like any circle/slider would) so because the pitch bend doesnt have a loud impact on this blue tick, 01:36:174 - , the reverse arrow is just going to sound overmapped to the player.
if you want to represent the pitch bend, you can always do something with aesthetics? i just want the first 2 changed
I disagree with representing it in a different way, it shows off exactly what the music does so I don't see the point in changing it. The music abruptly stops at 01:35:445 (2) - and then it bends on 01:36:094 (2) - which both show respectively. Regarding the second one, the logic still is very similar and the repeat sliders follow both parts of the music respectively 01:55:877 (4) - muffled noises (which doesn't abruptly stop like the other one) and a pitch bend 01:56:526 (2) - . This is the way i wanted to represent the music in my map. The only thing I've done to the first pattern is reduce it's volume after the first slider hit to make the repeat sounds less "overmapped"
01:39:985 (5,1) - throughout your map you've used overlaps to express 1/2 beat gaps so i dont think a full beat gap should be overlapped
01:40:309 (1,1) - i don't think this is a good idea, since you've used the exact same kind of arrangement for 01:35:120 (1,2,1,2) - , which does not have different slider velocities despite looking the same
01:44:526 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Why not make this more geometrical for asesthetic purposes? just flip this 01:44:526 (4,5,6) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11024634
01:46:796 (1,2) - not a fan of how obscured this hitcircle is by the sliderbody. it doesn't look good barely showing. try: https://i.imgur.com/tgVBs9m.png
All circles are placed just next to the slider and where it points after wards, 01:44:201 (1,2) - 01:40:958 (1,1) - just a couple of examples, hence why I don't want to apply that visual change, it'll make it inconsistent
02:06:742 (4) - this is mapped to almost nothing, i really think this would be a better rhythm if 02:06:580 (3) - were a 1/2 slider
It's still not accurate to the music :L i dont see how changing this to a 1/2 slider would affect this entire section either ?
because a 1/2 slider would then make 02:08:526 (1,2) - obsolete in terms of rhythm choice. It's a dense section using less dense rhythms like a 1/2 slider except of 2 circles in the space of a 1/2 gap is going to affect the density that I was trying to create in sections like this. There are parts where 1/2 sliders will fit and there are parts where 1/2 sliders won't, this is one of those situations
02:11:931 (2,3) - again ctrl+g? i think 02:12:093 - should be clicked because ofthe ascending notes here + white tick
02:15:823 (3) - i recommend a cirlce here, since the music stops there's nothing really to hold to here, plus its soncictent with 02:16:309 (2) - in the music
doesnt the rhythm density change int he song there anyway though? it would also add more contrast with the intense section 02:16:634 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - if youre thinking in terms of density
just something else to consider while replying to the other things
the density will be affected since the slider provides less breaks, the 1/1 break which happens at 02:16:309 (2,1) - shows a clear separation between rhythms. Hence why I don't want to replace the slider with a circle
02:16:634 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - these are not 1,2 they're 1,2,3,4 in the song so please nc them accordingly