00:41:565 (2,3,1) - this pattern doesn't support the vocal at all and it sounds really odd. Should definitely work it out a bit more
00:15:485 (2) - you should stop using this spacing from this section, as it feels really similar to 1/4 gap.
00:12:076 (4,5,1) - this rhythm https://puu.sh/FJigP/c603d831b3.png works way better than the current one, as it support both the piano and the crash cymbol.
00:11:053 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - these NC are really redundant and feels like spam. You can just simply split the NC like this https://puu.sh/FJicG/a71d09d186.png and it should work just fine
00:04:065 (2,3) - this should not have similar spacing as 00:02:872 (1,2) - since they're different in piano term. It's also inconsistent to 00:05:599 (1,2,3) -