00:13:258 - Add a don here. This current rhythm of xx xxxx xx
feels rather weird. Also, you had mapped this as a doublet followed by a string here:
00:16:559 (76) -considering the snare’s timbre is similar with 00:16:352 (75) -,you may change it to k or reverse 00:16:559 (76,79) -.( 04:54:628 (1751) -as well)
00:17:189 (86) - This finisher feels out of place since you don't map the crashes with finishers in this section, you only use one here to mark the end of the section: 00:30:431 (167)
I suggest changing it to a regular note for consistency.
I think no, because if I do that, note at 00:56:903 (299,310,321) - must with finisher too?
01:02:490 (334) - here I think changing to d will become better to listen because the snare is more apparent on these notes 01:02:593 (335,336)
01:11:810 - This pattern, both here and at 01:25:051 - , 01:28:569 - , 01:34:362 - , and every similar timestamp in each kiai, is not obvious as to what is being mapped to or improvised over. The vocals drop out and there are drums, but the drum pattern is very simple, usually something like k ddk d. I suggest simplifying every one of these patterns to make it more obvious as to what is being followed.
01:13:672 (395,396,397,398,399) - Keeping in mind you're focusing a lot on drums, this quintuplet feels out of place. There are no drum sounds in his rhythm and there isn't a change in intensity or any other sound to warrant this quintuplet, especially when you don't have instances in these sections where you follow up a finisher with a quintuplet.
I suggest either deleting this note: 01:13:982 (398) or this note: 01:13:775 (396) Whichever you prefer.
01:22:982 (452,453) - consider changing these to d as they are the same instrument as 01:23:189 (454,455) - .
01:37:248 (550,551,552,553) - I didn't understand the idea of the 1/6 (same with 02:50:075 (982,983,984,985), 04:29:386 (1596,1597,1598,1599) and 04:36:007 (1642,1643,1644,1645) -), so I'd change to a simple 1/4 triplet.
01:39:938 (568) - ,02:52:765 (1000) - ,04:38:697 (1657) - change to K
01:40:145 (569) - ,02:52:972 (1001) - ,04:38:904 (1658) - delete
very little mod (sorry)
01:43:155 - I suggest adding a kat here to connect the long string of notes to the finisher to make it feel more like a drumroll. I know you have instances of strings of 1/4 notes before a finisher with a 1/2 gap between, but removing the gap and connecting the string to the finisher could work well for emphasis since the finisher marks the end of the kiai, and having that stream connected to it can help build up to that finisher.
Similarly, add a don at these timestamps for the same reasons:
02:21:317 (793) - maybe lower the hitsound volume to around 55 or 60 here, then start to make it higher when the vocals come back on
02:22:982 (802) - Consider making this finisher Kat so that it both represents the vocals and crash cymbal as well as to emphasize it more since its surrounded by dons. Having finishers be the opposite color of the notes surrounding them can help emphasize them.
02:29:396 (850,851) - do a dkD triplet instead
02:30:016 (854) & 02:31:671 (865) - k for the kick drum
This pattern fits better imo
02:45:844 (951) - I suggest changing this note to d or just changing up the pattern of these notes to avoid repetition: 02:45:534 (948,949,950,951,952) - since you have 2 other instances of ddkkd
in a row here:
02:57:741 - and 03:01:051 - I don't know what this is following, it is very unclear. The drums are not doing anything out of the ordinary, so it is not that. If it is supposed to be mapped to the long note, then it is inconsistent with 03:04:362 - , 03:07:672 - and every other similar long note. I suggest cutting up the stream to match the drums better.
" EDIT = duh, banyak perubahan. Mod nya no change aja "
bukan berarti ga mau nerapin perubahan. kalau ga di rubah aku ga brani jaman kualitasnya, soalnya ini ke nominasi juga dari orang yang tipikal buat style kek gini.. aku masih mikir kalau ini map blom bisa ku jamin kalau situ masih ga mau rombak rambik kualitasnya. jadi ya.. kalau gitu mending ralat2 dulu overallnya, padahal bisa aku push kalau mau :p tapi dah keliatan situ masih pengen ngeralat ni map
good luck ye
03:15:948 (1150) - I suggest making this finisher a Kat to emphasize the guitar playing a really high note here.
03:16:155 (1159) & 03:17:810 (1169) & 03:19:465 (1179) - delete these to fit the electric guitar. The doubles give some nice variety to the rhythm as well.
03:35:800 (1271) -since this part is calm, I think using normal note is enough .
03:48:431 (1284,1285,1286,1287) - I really don't think this should be 1/6 for 2 reasons:
Just delete this note: 03:48:569 (1286) and move this one: 03:48:500 (1285) -> 03:48:534
I meant as 1/4; 1/8 would be too much. Sorry if I didn't make that clear or if I wrote the wrong instructions.
03:49:051 -> 04:02:293 - You've been very consistent with your finisher usage for the entire song, but you stop using them in the first half of the last kiai section. You've been very consistently placing finishers every 2 bars in both kiais:
Here are some notes that I believe should be finishers both for the prominent vocals and crash cymbal, as well as for structural consistency:
Ah, this is part of 1/4 meets finisher reason #4481445/11957911.
In this case, I decided to let this part have none finishers due to the beginning of the kiai is different with other kiai parts.
03:55:672 (1336) - Make this note a finisher for consistency with: 02:42:844 (932) -
Same with these notes:
Since in this part I don't map 1/4 with finishers, so some parts that potentially with single finishers also ignored, until 04:03:310 - .
04:08:085 (1432) - consider moving this 04:08:189 - here and making 04:07:982 (1431) - a k instead so it's better mapped to the drums since they're the most interesting and mappable thing in this song.
04:15:310 (1468) - I feel like this finisher is a bit out of place. I believe this is mapped as a finisher either for vocals or for emphasis.
If its for vocals, you don't have other instances of mapping a vocal note that doesn't land on a bar, so it doesn't feel intentional.
If done for emphasis, it doesn't provide a lot of emphasis since its close to 2 finishers: (04:14:896 (1466) 04:16:551 (1478)) and a long stream of notes. Those provide more than enough emphasis by themselves.
I suggest making it a regular note and adding a don here for a ddk
triplet: 04:15:206 to better follow the song's rhythm.
04:28:051 (1575,1576) - I believe this pattern would fit better to the drums if you make these k's and 04:28:362 (1578,1579) - these d's.
04:32:086 (1603) - I don't think that this note carries enough weight to have a finisher, it would be inconsistent with parts like 04:35:396 - .
04:43:455 (1692) - move to 04:43:559 - and delete 04:43:765 (1694), it'll follow the pattern you made during this part.
04:50:913 (1714,1715,1716,1717,1718,1719,1720,1721,1722,1723,1724) - This stream is a bit too long given the lower intensity of this section. This section comes right after kiai and basically serves as the outro. You can have slightly longer streams to add variety and difficulty near the end, but this is a bit much in my opinion.
I suggest just deleting this note: 04:51:638 (1721)
05:02:187 (1778) -> 05:02:083 moves as don. For consistency reason. This is the only blue tick note after the third beat in the second measurement (e.g. 04:55:256 or 05:05:601 )
05:07:455 (1846,1847,1848,1849,1850,1851,1852,1853,1854,1855) - you also can use the same pattern as I mentioned (04:01:248 (1392,1393,1394,1395,1396,1397,1398,1399,1400,1401,1402) -)
05:08:500 - Consider either moving or adding more green lines here to make the volume fade out faster. Right now, the last green line is at the very end of the spinner, and every single player will finish the spinner way before this point.
I think the last green line should be here: 05:12:638 and then move or add green lines to make a smooth transition.