_ Do NOT resolve, let me do such _
--> Check this userpage out on how to check mp3 quality as well as to download the programs needed for the next steps https://osu.ppy.sh/users/3922920
(^ Just go there to download programs, don't force urself to read if u don't want to.)
--> Link metadata sources down below
(if they aren't official and you can't find any, let me know this to make things easier.)
--> Post pic of spec/spectro down below then ask me and 2nd bn to see if it's okay and if we both agree then it's :thumbsup:
(This is just to let anyone who ever comes across the map to see it in clear sight)
--> If ur map has timing issues, please get timing help and ask for opinions around
(I will let ya know if I think it does in the second post)
After all of above is done, I will resolve this post upon my last recheck upon the map and please make a note for people to see as well as to make it more useful to get more feedback if needed.
(This is a copy&paste format to avoid dqs and to make sure those things above is actually check more thoroughly)
idk if its ok for the mp3 quality so just link the pic of spec : https://puu.sh/HE9DE/ea5ce51708.png
Unused files.