00:00:338 (338|0,525|3,730|1,954|3,1105|0,1248|2,1355|1,1516|3,1659|0,1784|2) - I think the patterning overall is fine here but I think many would disagree with this, mainly with the snapping because of this guideline:
"Note snappings of consecutive 1/8 and higher should not be used."
Seeing as how many of the notes here are generally 1/12 - 1/16 notes, I would try something a little different here if we were to abide by this guideline. perhaps instead of following the sample, you could follow the instrumental instead..? just an option, or you could follow the vocals but something that's less... rulebreaking lol. im open to anything here but it just needs to follow this guideline in this case.
00:02:909 (2909|2) - , 00:06:338 (6338|3) - , 00:09:766 (9766|2) - , 00:13:195 (13195|3) -
highly suggest you make these 1/4th longer so that it reaches in length with the start of the next LN. I don't think for Hard diffs you should need to be super technically accurate. in any case, let your top diff / Insane do that for you if you want to be a bit more expressive / technical with the diff. for the Hard though, I definitely wouldn't recommend this unless it held a lot of value to the chart as a whole, nothing inherently wrong with it sure but personally I don't see much of a point in doing this when this is the only instance this happens, and it might be a little odd for a Hard diff imo.
00:59:054 (59054|1,59054|0,59268|2,59375|3) -
노말에서도 같게 말씀드렸던것처럼 이런 배치는 어떨까요? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15295425/08f9
01:03:554 (63554|2,63768|3,63768|2) - 이런 롱과 이어지는 따닥이를 되도록이면 배치하지 않도록 하는게 맞는걸로 알고있었고 타격감 문제로 평소에 별로 선호하지는 않는편이기도 했어서 조금 신경이 쓰이는데 문제 없는건가요?
01:17:268 (77268|2) - 이 노트는 2번라인으로 가는게 좀더 자연스러울것 같아요
앞의 랩과 이어지지도 않고 신스음 멜로디는 미시라솔로 점점 내려가고 있으니까요
01:24:783 (84783|2,85641|2,86498|2,87355|2,88212|2,89069|2,89926|2,90783|2) - basically the same idea like this #2028889 but ima post this as a problem instead since I think a lot of people would argue against this one more than the first since for one, these aren't even on a snap that osu allows, but two, it'd be a lot more doable to just simplify here for difficulty-sake and being within Hard rules/guidelines.