Vector calculus or vector analysis is a branch of mathematics concerned with the differentiation and integration of vector fields, primarily in three-dimensional Euclidean space, The term vector calculus is sometimes used as a synonym for the broader subject of multivariable calculus, which spans vector calculus as well as partial differentiation and multiple integration.
Recently I started to like covering myself in Harumachi Clover and farming. Almost every morning I walk around my neighborhood with a large black garbage bag and collect all pp from every Harumachi Clover I see. It takes a whole day to get two bags full of pp. But it all pays off when I come home after a hard day, go to the bathroom, turn on the hot water and…mmm, pour all the maps into the bathtub. And then I farm really hard, imagining that I’m being devoured by all the pp. All in all, I think, that pp has its own mind, each Harumachi Clover has its own family, place, feelings, farmers. We shouldn’t just farm them, we should take care of them, talk to them, pet them and add HDDT at any difficulty in Harumachi Clover maps… And you know what, I had a wonderful dream while lying in the bathtub yesterday, I dived into the sea and it turned into pp, fish, seaweed, jellyfish, everything turned into this precious pp, even the sky, Peppy himself