Sorry for the late, but I'm done with the modding. Good luck!
M4M from your post (
Awesome map, was really fun to play. There's a few weird bits that need fixing but I hope this gets ranked.
so fun to play, only real issue I see atm is just polishing the alternate part at the end
other than that awesome map, can't wait to see it ranked
I think this is one of the merami songs I submitted to my youtube channel, althought I remember it to be slightly different lol, the song is just too good ♥
I can't find much to mod, as this map is already really well polished and in my eyes, done. Good fucking shit you've got there. I'm honestly excited to see this being ranked! Good luck and happy mapping! :3
i guess i'll come back to this map after you've resolved all of the yukiyo mods or something, i'm honestly having a great deal of difficulty finding anything to mod that he didn't address
great job, really