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Great map!!
this map appears when i search lao sai
Nice shades brah
why are you gay???
where's the original bg, no glasses
top #33 with 82 acc <o/
The fact that Yukina was wearing Shades made me laugh so hard XD
I love this map <3 really fun to play and great song, i hope this gets recognized more O:
She was wearing glasses )
lit bg
the long ver. I see
найс) а можно теперь убежище?
Great map and song
Thanks Walaowey very cool !!
Congrats Mikan love U <3
<3 Thanks you
A good Roselia song right here!! also congrats for ranked stats ❤❤
Thanks ^^
continue mapping bandori music
good map and uwu song
It's not only a bandori song this one xD
Finaly is qualified, congrats Mikan <3 hope this goes rank
Thanks uwu
Nice background
Gratz mikannnnnnnn
Thank you!
lol nice bg
Ну привет