00:04:068 (6,7,1) - normally, I would say they are fine since there might be some hi-hat somewhere I am not hearing, but on what is this triple mapped? The strong hitsound on 00:04:381 (1) - suggests you should have used a different rhythm, where that circle gets the emphasis the hitsound places on it.
Same goes for 00:08:287 (2,3,4) - 00:34:068 (6,7,8) - and so on.
It might be it is consistent, but I can't really hear anything supporting those triples. Turn off the hitsounds' volume and see if you actually hear anything under those triples.
00:07:037 (4) - try mapping those tripples with same spacing, i think this would be more enjoyable to play
00:17:818 (3,1) - i think it is very easy to confuse with 1/2 rhythm. because you previously stack a lot of 1/2 note such as 00:16:568 (1,2) - 00:16:881 (3,1) - . players maybe still think it is 1/2 stack 00:17:818 (3,1) - and miss click it. you NC here 00:16:881 (3,1) - and you also use NC pattern to show this 1/1 rhythm 00:17:818 (3,1) - , that will make players easier to miss read too.
i think delete this 00:17:193 (1) - NC or change them 00:17:818 (3,1) - to overlap will be better.
00:37:037 (2,3,4) - 我的话会留一个锐角flow,大概像这样https://puu.sh/AKyeM/d47d9c8830.png 或者这样https://puu.sh/AKyeQ/42f7d50de2.png 来强调一下00:37:193 - 的音
00:44:693 (1,2,3,1,2) - Weird spike here. The layout and spacing of these singletaps are significantly larger/harder compared to rest within this section and are not fitting in with the calm music here.
00:49:849 (2,1) - 在00:49:067 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 里就这里一个小间距感觉有点莫名其妙
可以考虑稍微换一个pattern把间距弄一致一点 比如https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11248714
01:05:319 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - players can t read this stream very clearly imo. because the gap of 01:05:709 (3,1) - and 01:06:177 (3,1) - is different ds. and you used 123NC pattern also make this stream looks too random. the player needs to read the shape of the stream in advance in some way. i think 123-123 pattern can t help players to read it very weill.
i think delete NC 01:05:553 (1,1) - will be better.
01:24:381 (3) - I think this should be changed but into one slider and a circle after considering your explanation toward music performance, as 01:24:537 - is strong enough to be clickable.
01:26:412 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - i found that you always change the pattern when the music reaches this sound (from 01:11:412 - to 01:11:881 - ). idk consistency is important for you or not. but i think consistency is a very important thing. "the song is regularity why is your map not regular?" ←this is my my opinion. btw i think at least you have to make sure that the difficulty of each of your different patterns is similar. i think this pattern 01:26:412 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - is more difficult than others(refers to these three 01:18:912 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:11:412 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:33:912 (3,1,2) - ). players will hard to aim this three continuously "double" in the case of bpm is 195.
you need change this pattern to easier imo
btw why only this place is 1/4 rhythm 01:26:724 (1,2) - , and other place all of them is 1/6 rhythm 01:11:724 (5) - 01:19:224 (5) - 01:34:224 (2) - ?
01:44:224 (1,2,3,4,5) - looks so crowded https://puu.sh/AKqdM/b39c1fbaba.jpg . you can enable stacking and check it by yourself. move it and make 01:44:224 (1) - stack on 01:43:599 (1) - will look better (enable stacking).
01:55:474 (2) - I would recommend this to be placed further from both 01:55:006 (1) - and 01:55:787 (3,4,5) - so that players won't abruptly stop for some times as per this 1/2 rhythm.
02:15:631 (1) - that spinner is unnecessary, you can use this section diffrently; try to map this section but with lower slider speed/spacing
02:35:787 (4,1,2,1,2,1) - what's with this rhythm? Were you trying to follow the kicks in the song?
If so, delete 02:35:787 (4) - , move 02:35:943 (1,2,1,2,1) - by 1/2 earlier and add a repeat on 02:37:818 (1) -
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11351778 ?
02:48:443 (1) - from this timing a few sliders get repeated with lower spacing, try rotating them slightly every new combo
02:48:443 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I don't think these copy and paste stuffs are eligible for ranking. Even if the music stays the same (relatively) for this section, it is necessary to switch patterns every 8 sliders for diversity. Too many repetitions won't reflect the music greatly but on the contrary, reducing the original variety as well as providing boring playing performances for the player.
It's not just mindlessly copy pasted, there is some logic to how it is used to represent the calming down and building up of a section that is incredibly stale in rhythm, which is always going to be a contrast in a camellia song
Putting more variation here for the sake of variation doesn't add anything. Also taking into account that flow changes halfway through this set of patterns, and with it, the order of the pattern changes, I would then say it is a new pattern based on how it's played. If we take that into account, there is exactly 8 uses of the up down left right pattern and 8 uses of the right down left up pattern, meaning it still fits into your rules for diversity in pattern structure, even if they look visually similar.
also you should make snapping consistent on 03:22:082 (1,1) - cuz they're both the same thing, they shouldn't be snapped differently
03:13:511 (3,1) - https://puu.sh/AKz57/79306c419a.png
比如03:45:054 (3,4) -
03:19:854 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - unlike all the other stream in this kiai, the synth here is much weaker, so having something this hard isn't really supported by the song. Possible fixes, nerfing the spacing, but u could also make 03:20:197 (1,2,3,4) - into 1/4 sliders since that's where the stream isn't supported by the song, there's no 1/4 there
03:25:339 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1,1) - These are too over-powered. the 1/16s are also not clear enough to support the pattern.