I would say replace 00:13:371 (3) - this circle with something like this - 00:13:719 (1) - but repeating once, in my opinion this would fit the rythm you've established a bit better :)
00:14:417 (3,4) - space the circle further away from the slider. it is getting less emphasis than this 00:12:673 (1,2) - even though it is a WAY more prominent sound.
00:14:766 (4,5) -
00:16:859 (2,3) - You have a build up present where you space the notes further
00:19:650 (2,3) - And then here the buildup stops while the song is still picking up in intensity
00:15:464 (1) - The 1/2 rhythm is present in other places like 00:14:940 - and 00:16:336 - therefore I'd suggest omitting it or mapping it everywhere
The vocals are in 1/2 , and that's why i'm following this rythm. That's why it's only on 00:19:650 (2,3) - and not on 00:15:464 (1) - or 00:16:336 -
00:18:254 (3) - If I think correctly this slider is to represent the vocals, but only vocals which begins at: 00:18:254 - and the ones starting here: 00:18:603 - totally ignores. It would be better if you place the 2 x 1/2 beat sliders at this point.
00:20:347 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - The clap hitsounds on these objects blend with the song and aren't very audible - I'd increase the volume slightly
00:23:138 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - can increase the ds here to emphasize this part i guess, like this https://imgur.com/a/QVvyA6k
00:23:138 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I think you should space these more to make a proper jump the current way i feel isn't really intuitive and it looks not that great too.
It mimic the movement of these 00:21:743 (1,2) - , and I prefer it this way than just random jumps
00:24:533 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Maybe gradually spread them apart? Right now they are a bit boring and not cute w
00:24:533 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i feel like you should make this a buildup, you did it with the jumps before it and there is some kind of drum roll starting on 00:25:232 (1) - which you did nothing with to emphasize a change in the music, i saw you mention the concept introduction which is fine but this really doesnt represent the music, it doesnt have to be a gigantic spacing increase just a small one is fine, atleast something to represent a buildup(i tried to reply and reopen on that comment i mention but i didnt let me reopen it so doing it like so)
00:24:533 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I know what you said to vignette, but it's still bland right now IMO. I don't think introducing a concept should hinder the actual song, you don't have to make it super spready or something but jsut have them a bit more spread each jumpstream
00:24:533 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Maybe make these stream's spacing gradually smaller, i feel like the current way is a waste of potential to be mapped this way it could be so much more dynamic
Ending aslider on astrong sound is a bad idea too. The only fitting solution would be something like this https://puu.sh/ArxGz/1ae3f0b58c.png , but then what I follow in the music become kinda unclear. I'll probably fix if it get pointed out again. But resolved for now.
Definitely not a bad idea in this case, the slider's head is a louder sound than the proposed tail and skipping an important sound is ultimately a worse solution in this scenario
00:25:929 (1) - Wouldn't it be a bit more emphasizing to break flow on this like this? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11070928
00:25:929 (1,2,3) - try https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11079195 the extended slider you have feels off as you ignore the sound at 00:26:278 -
00:29:068 (3) - I think a kickslider doesn't fit as well here because there's no sound on the slidertail, like there is on these kicksliders 00:28:894 (2) - 00:29:417 (1,2,3) - . Use a circle instead?
00:30:289 (2,3,4) - You could definitely emphasize the vocal supported notes in relation to 00:30:550 (5) -
00:31:423 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - You map them the same, but I feel like the sound on the first double is quite different from the rest.
The first one has more spacing emphasis because it's coming from 00:31:249 (4) - which only leave a 1/4 gap.
00:34:301 (1) - maybe https://puu.sh/Ax7yq/eaaad785d4.JPG as that sound should be clickable
Well I think curved fits better as it differentiate it from 00:38:487 (1,2,3,4) - which are without vocals
00:41:278 (1) - to keep the consistency, since you're focusing mainly the vocals when they're present, i recommend removing that long reverse slider, and do something like you did at 00:20:347 (1,2) -
00:44:417 (3,4,1) - This angle is way too wide for such a slight increase in intensity, doesn't match with what you did here 00:43:720 (3,4,1) - or here 00:43:022 (3,4,1) -
The overall pattern is AABB, and both pattern has different concept. 00:42:673 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - these are the A which introduce the buildup, and the other two are supposedly more hard to introduce the kiai which will be harder. So trying to relate both pattern doesn't make sense two me, as their purpose are differents
00:45:725 (4,1) - If I can agree that this one is quite comfortable to play I can't agree with 00:46:074 (4,1) - and 00:46:423 (4,1) -.
00:49:999 (3) - Why the sudden wide angle? also I am not sure about it being a 3/4 slider in to a kick slider, this is too sudden.
Well this wide angle make kind of the same movement as 00:49:214 (3,4,5) - , so I think it fits. And the 3/4 into kick slider is also fine, as this kind of 1/4 spacing has been used previously
00:52:440 (1) - I'm not too fond of this one, sticks out too much despite being a copy of 00:51:743 (1) - and I think that's just because the visual flow into it is so off, consider replacing or re-doing it.
00:57:324 (3,1) - Spacing is very large here and you're missing a sound at 00:57:411 - , consider using a 1/4 slider instead of 00:57:324 (3) - or just including it in your stream to begin with.
00:57:499 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - I get the feeling that you can't decide what layer of the music to follow? The consistent 1/4 sound or the vocals? This 00:57:499 (1,2,3,4) - glosses over strong vocals while 00:58:719 (1,2) - this glosses over the 1/4 sounds.
I'm following the 1/4 sounds, but emphasing mainly the drums/electronic sound. 00:58:719 (1,2) - These two are not following the vocal but the "wubbish" sound
00:57:760 (4,5) - imo I don't think these should be separated, but you can have the 5 rotated a different angle
They're separated because the whole map as streams packed by 4. I don't see in which angle the 5 could be better than this right now though. CTRL+H on 00:57:847 (5) - makes the pattern look messy imo
01:02:906 (1,2,3) - Why don't you use equal spacing for these? (as shown in screenshot) https://i.imgur.com/yAA7g2s.png
For consistency with 00:51:743 (1,2,3) - , where the drums sounds are a bit apart from the flow implied by the slider
01:04:301 (1) - this flow-break should be pretty uncomfortable to play, I don't think you did this in the previous section of the kiai so emphasizing the slider like this doesn't seem to practical. cool structure with the next slider, though
01:06:743 (6) - problem is that on the blue tick after the repeating slider the sound is still there and it wouldn't be bad at all to extend that slider until there
Fixed the first one, but I don't see any problem on the second one. Also fixed 04:36:045 (6) -
01:06:743 (6) - there are no sounds on the reverses here, there are only 2 that you hear here that is the bass on the white tick and the weird other sound, idk what that is, is on the blue tick, and then there is the other thats just an extended sound that starts on the white tick
01:06:743 (6) - i would advist you overlap these two reverse sliders less so the player can read when it stops more easily
01:07:440 (2,1) - probably an intentional wrist breaker lol, but I suggest you ctrl +g 2, and also 1, the narrow angle makes 2 very uncomfortable to play which I think should be changed, you can then emphasize the sv change and 1 by breaking flow
I think slider leniency allows this kind of slider to be playable without being that hard. Also, I really want to make 01:07:092 (1,2) - be the exact same slider, because the voice sounds the same in both of these
01:12:324 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - It would fit if the spacing on the stream gradually decreased
01:12:324 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Here you use a lot of fillers while the rhythm is completely different, you could either space out the supported notes or remove the unsupported ones
01:15:987 (1,2,3,4,5) - try https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/11079228 the linear angle you had doesn't have a very smooth flow for the transition to this circle 01:16:336 (4) -
The pattern is like this to be consistent with 01:14:766 (3,4) - , 01:25:928 (3,4) - , where both slider have the same angle
01:24:882 (4,5,6,7,8) - the way you map continuous 1/2 rhythm here in a dynamic song feels monotonous. Maybe you can spice things up with a slider or something else?
01:30:115 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - what's the reason here for not gardually increasing ds a bit? same goes for the next stream? it doesn't seem so intense but still needs a change imo
01:30:900 (2,3) - this should be a slider aswell because its the same sound as 01:29:940 (1,3) -
same for: 01:31:597 (2,3) - 01:32:294 (2,3) -
The sound aren't the same here 01:29:940 (1,1) - 01:31:336 (3,1) - ( Double deep drum sound, which I emphasis) and 01:30:900 (2,3) - 01:31:597 (2,3) - ( deep drum then clap ). Turned this 01:31:510 (1) - into a slider
01:46:510 (4,5,1) - I mean, it's still the same soundas the earlier jump, this seems like a drastic ds change for just a minor sound added to the rhthym
01:49:301 (4) - using 2 circle instead? it's a little weird to change to slider cuz there're no change of both music and vocal here, considered that you used circle at similar part 01:45:115 (4,5) - 01:46:510 (4,5) - 01:47:906 (4,5) -
01:54:272 (4,5) - These two being 1/2 sliders with 1/4 spacing feels like playing 3/4 sliders, you hold these for an unnatural amount of time. Infact, these being sliders at all bother me, since the music is so "jumpy" with no held notes here and no background noise, regular circles would represent the song way better
I don't think there's that much of a difference beetween 8-8-6-6 and 8-8-8-4 in term of music representation here. The sounds is pretty constant and the difference beetween each mesure isn't that clear. And also, I think 8-8-8-4 make the last one stand out for no apparent reason, where as 8-8-6-6 blend them more together, which make more sense with the music
02:00:813 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - also need hitsounds here D:
What different at 02:03:603 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - to make this different from the others?
02:04:999 (1,2,3,1) - The rhythm here should be made into 1/4 or 1/1 as only the white ticks are emphasized in this section
02:08:138 (4) - why does this not inherit any of the aggresive linear functions of the previous slider? that was used to represent this sound? 02:07:092 (3,4) - these I mean
02:08:138 (4,4,5) - I wanted to make this kind of movement with the following sliders, but making the 02:08:138 (4) - inherit the linear thingy from the previous one would make me apply it to 02:08:836 (4,5) - and it wouldn't look good I think
02:22:440 (2) - basicly the same as 02:17:208 (3) - but here you changed the rythm i don't why and it's the same part as 02:17:208 (3) - you did two kick slider but there a 1/4 slider, consider remplacing that by two kick
slider for your consistency
02:26:452 (1) - pretty strong sounds there to don't make it clickable. I would suggest removing the reverses, i suggest doing 4 1/3 sliders (slow sv, or high, or average or progressive from high to low or low to high you choose)
02:29:068 (2,5,5,5) into half beat sliders, it would help emphasize the blue tick noises, it would be more consistent with how you followed the bass at 01:55:580 , and it would help separate this unique section of the song from the rest of the map.
02:29:243 (1,2,3,4) - these are pretty highly spaced even though the sound is really quiet, the spacing doesnt make sense with this here 02:28:371 (5,6) -
It's necessary to have these spaced to have the concept of the decreasing spacing on this pattern 02:29:068 (2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) -
02:29:243 (1,2,3,4,5) - shift this over to the right a bit. It's creating an ugly overlap on 02:28:719 (1) -
02:29:766 (1,2,3,4,5) - this stream into the 1/4 slider just looks really awkward, would flip it vertically
02:30:289 (1,2,3,4,5) - same here
The stream going upwards/downward come from this pattern 02:28:719 (1,2) - , and if I switch it in the place you pointed out, I'd need to change it here too for consistency. And changing it here would mess up the movement badly in my opinion
02:33:603 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1) looks cluttered and feels unnatural to play. arranging it into a pattern like this https://gyazo.com/42e65d1fc68bd77d219290a4aca29392 would make the pattern look and feel more aesthetic. This pattern also helps emphasize the clap sound on 02:34:650 (1) -
02:34:998 (6) - feels strange how these sliders all go to vocals 02:34:301 (1,2,3) - but you pass over the one here 02:34:999 (6) - . exaggerate this somehow?
The flow isn't changing actually, it's following the one from the previous slider https://shikinotsu.s-ul.eu/RJ8yYXEv
02:36:132 (4) - if this is mapped to the wub sound it sounds like it should start at 02:36:045 -
02:36:743 (4) - nc here for the sudden hold note? because its a significant change in gameplay
02:38:487 (1,3) - try this blanket way? cuz it looks better imo https://imgur.com/a/4sg4o38
02:39:185 (1,2,3,4) - it sounds like the sliders should be where the circles are right now, because that's how you've always mapped this same rhythm 02:32:208 (1,2,3,4,5) -
I mapped this rhythm the same way here 02:33:603 (1,2,3,4,5) - . The rhythm you pointed out is repeated here 02:37:789 (1,2,3,4,5) -
I think the fow isn't changing here, it's coming from 02:38:487 (1,2,3) - and is the same kind of rotation
02:39:708 (5,6) - slider tail poiting upwards yet next object below. 02:39:533 (4) - this slider works just fine.
It's emphasised trough spacing, and also from the akward movement coming from 02:39:708 (5) -
02:40:231 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Could you break off the linear direction a bit, maybe on 5, I just don't like how the whole thing just is just one straight stream, you could really make it more interesting to split it off on the downbeat
02:41:278 (1,2,3) - either make it all sharp sliders or curved, having only 1 curve along side of 2 sharps looks odd
The sound isn't the same on 02:41:278 (1,3) - and 02:41:452 (2) - , although I agree this looks odd. Changed the angle of 02:41:452 (2) - , I think it looks better now
02:42:324 (4) - this sound starts on the blue tick after( 02:42:324 (4) - ) not the white one
02:42:324 (4) - if this mapped to that weird trippy sound this should definitely start on the blue tick at 02:42:411 -
02:45:115 (2,3) - ctrl-g these 2 respectively as the circular motion is good for this part and the extra spacing on 02:45:289 (3,1) - is good for the NC emphasis
The angle of 02:45:289 (3,1) - , along with the spacing make this way too akward to play in my opinion
02:49:650 (1,2,3) - 3 is too weak to make it worth an anti-flow jump tbh, even spacing is extreme lol
Spacing is high than 02:49:650 (1,2) - because sound is more important, and it's retaking the movement left-right idea from 02:48:952 (1,2,3,4,5) -. 02:49:650 (1,2) - this is what changed the flow actually, and it's spacing is lower so the player has time to adapt
03:04:301 (1,2) - that beep noise is pretty cool, i would do streams there instead, stream with mixed kick slider or i don't know, but i think you did that since it's the last part before that break, to calm down a bit
it's just a light suggestion
03:11:975 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,1) - you can do something WAY more creative in this space here. for example: notice how in this section the sound start off in the deep end and slowly you can hear more pitches come in. why not start all circles at the bottom and slowly build up the playfield?
03:21:743 (1) - remove NC
03:27:324 (1) - NC
03:28:022 (3) - NC
03:28:719 (1) - remove NC
03:30:115 (1) - remove NC
the rythm is the same between theses 03:20:347 (1,1) - why would you nc ? 03:27:324 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - there the pattern are the same = same rythm no need to nc (i confused a timing) basicly there 03:27:324 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - it has to be like from 03:27:324 (1) -
I don't agree the first one. The sound here 03:37:440 (2) - is clearly weaker than here 03:33:429 - , and it wouldn't make the second one stand out as much as it does now. Fixed for the second
03:34:301 (1,2,3,4) - notice how this pattern appeared on the right side twice, not sure if it's intenional symmetry or whatever but I'd rather you use more parts of the playfield than stick to the right in this
03:34:301 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - might be me but I find the 1/2 spam unfitting, especially because there's emphasis on every 2 white ticks yet they are mapped the same,
at 03:31:510 (1,2,3,4) - was cooler since it followed something specific
04:00:813 (1,2) - You should space these closer compared to 04:01:161 (2,3) - because of different gaps in the timeline for readability.
04:03:429 (1,2,3) - the spacing between this and 04:02:033 (1,2,3) - seem hugely different even though they are in the same section with the same tone
I feel like having a circle here instead of a slider make a great transition beetween the section from 04:00:813 - to 04:06:394 - . It breaks the monotony of the section which indicate the player there will be a change here. This plus the fact that the movement has stopped act as a reset so the player feel like something else is coming. That's why a circle fits more here imo
04:14:766 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - very odd stream shape, would clean up maybe?
04:18:254 (1,2,3,4) - i feel like you were in lack of idea there rythmic wise, https://gyazo.com/077ecf60e87335d8af35bbc2e5fcc4ca something like that would be more intersting i think
04:19:650 (1,2,3,4) - same as 04:18:254 (1,2,3,4) -
04:23:836 (1,2,3,4) - same as 04:18:254 (1,2,3,4) -
04:25:231 (1,2,3,4) - same as 04:18:254 (1,2,3,4) -
04:19:999 (3,4) - this is a huge DS increase for no particular reason, make it similar to previous pattern in DS atleast
The whole pattern is different. 04:23:836 (1,2,3,4) - and 04:18:254 (1,2,3,4) - come with a akward angle, and they are all stuck together while 04:19:650 (1,2,3,4) - come from a flowing movement, and thus are different. I think it's fine as it is
04:23:836 (1,2,3,4) - This rythm is off, the way it's mapped with the 4 copy/pasted sliders give off the impression that it's the same sound being played on all of these when in reality 04:23:836 (1) - this stands out a ton and even 04:24:185 (3) - this stands out.
i think he means that there are other sounds on 04:23:836 (1,3) - and that you should map them differently but tbh (1) is already emphasized by spacing and (3) really doesnt have a stronger sound than the others
04:31:336 (5) - this should be a slider aswell, every other one you did like this is a slider so idk why this one isnt
It's not, the first one is always the slider, the second one is always circle : 00:50:783 (4,5) - 00:56:365 (4,5) - 01:01:946 (4,5) - etc ..
04:31:859 (3) - this pattern previously wasa sharp/slightly narrow angle, doing it like this isn't consistent
I think it's pretty close to 01:02:557 (3,1) - and 00:51:394 (3,1) - , I don't see what you're talking about here
I am talking about the jump, I mean, it's much wider than 01:02:208 (1,2,3) - and 00:51:045 (1,2,3) -
04:45:464 (1) - remove NC
04:48:254 (1) - remove NC
04:50:696 (4) - NC
04:50:871 (1) - remove NC
04:52:266 (1) - remove NC
04:56:278 (4) - NC
04:56:278 (4) - remove NC
04:58:022 (1) - remove NC
04:45:464 (1) - These sliders sound really wrongly snapped, I think 1/8 might not be a good choice here. But apart from that I think it might be better if you could add a silenced slider-slide for these sliders since the default slide sounds are really annoying for this calm part.
i think you should turn 04:50:696 (4) - into a half beat slider because the sound on 04:50:871 (1) is very faint while 04:51:045 (2) also deserved more emphasis :]. I understand that you're mapping to the vocal here but it would be a better transition for the player.