00:09:545 (9545|2,9624|3,9703|2,9783|3,9862|2,9942|3,10021|2,10100|3) – You might want to reconsider about this kind of pattern since it makes this section not balance and might cause finger lock here even though it’s in 1/3 snap. Pattern suggestion: https://puu.sh/GfDb2/2e5a23498d.png
00:10:576 (10576|1) – Might want to break this LN into 2 since there’re 2 sounds here. Pattern suggestion: https://puu.sh/GfDfk/b7699f1131.png
01:17:481 (77481|2,77481|3,77481|1) - 롱놋길이를 01:17:719 - 여기까지 늘리거나 https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15149886/82c0 이런식으로 노트추가하는게 어떨까요?
01:27:243 – to 01:28:136 – You might want to reconsider about your pattern usage since I’m kind of confuse about the correlation between the LNs and SNs here. I mean, I believe that 01:27:243 (87243|0,87303|1,87362|2) – and 01:27:957 (87957|2,88017|1,88076|0,88136|2) – are the same in term of sound and what you did here is differentiate it even though you know (or not) that both of them have the same sound. It would be great if you keep this section into full LNs instead of differentiate it suddenly. Pattern suggestion: https://puu.sh/GfDos/cb2f7f7b1f.png (if you want to keep 01:27:243 (87243|0,87303|1,87362|2) -) or https://puu.sh/GfDsV/193ed3f078.png (if you want more balance)
01:37:719 – to 01:40:457 – Feels like a bit too hard because of the constitutive note at 2nd col (1|2|3|4) that last for almost 3 secs along side the trills that you’ve made and if you compare it with the constitutive note at 3rd col from 01:40:576 – to 01:41:767 – that last for almost 2 secs, you can clearly see the difference that the first constitutive note is longer than the second constitutive note which makes this entire section becomes unbalance apart from the trills. I’d suggest you to make 1 constitutive note every 4/1 (I mean from 01:37:719 – to 01:38:672 – you know what I mean right) to give players chance to not messed up at this section.