how do i NOT nerve the ending bruh
skill issue
Love the top diff, wish it was full version lol <3
this is one of the farm maps of all time
bingus zingus
love this song to bits
this sounds like icdd
broo thank you for the new top play, almost 300 pp
Banger map
not louis cyphre map sad 😔
holy i know what anime this is from and boy am i now depressed
slow part in the middle be like ohh u combobroke
dereban godmode
Choked a 300pp play cause the end ended up with 298pp
this is so sad lets hit 10 upvotes
hard map lol
Is japanese animation trying to make us believe in Lucifer?
i'd believe in lucifer if they give him titties like they do in the show
1315 nice :DD
Flezlin's diff is actually great, rare to find a fun tv size map
Star Anis ^-^
overmapped garbage
this may be a bit late but hl3 is out
Yes, and make half life 3 already
screw accidental fc's now this is my top rank
Flezlin's Extra
-fc's Lucifer- -loses 20% of overall accuracy- ._. wtf
oh no 6.66* i is offend becuz i is christian >:((((
is this the song when the world is getting ready for an apocalypse?
6 6 6
the 6.66* one will be a farm map. I'm not even close to being able to farm it yet but i can just tell
edit day after i post: ok i can maybe farm this i got 1 pp for a b play
EZ and HT are there for a reason.
finally, My Sweet Maiden ranked version...
00:11:672 the time's off by a bit pls fix
I dunno if it was just me, but that song sure felt like it was going to be like at least a 3 minute song lmao.
gratz kevin
Lucifer ? Louis Cyphre ?
he doesn't map last diff btw
My Sweet Raiden
I like big boobs
what's a flezlin
a new sound to rock n roll?
greta mapper 3017
Ezlin's Flextra
rank if
Osu goes satanic....again...