so peak
ALEFY's maps should be ranked. Deserved.
please someone make the earlier song of thisseries... QwQ especially Marine Dreamin'
ебнврт, в неранкнутых гораздо больше интересных карт чем в ранке... У модеров пунктик чтоли на ранк говна ?
I want more maps like this!
BEST MAP EVERRRR THANKS!!! >w<)b *should i map the full ver? :thinking:
W o w o A l e f y < 3
Am i dreaming (」゚ロ゚)」 What year is this Some one tellme :'0
i can hear the uchida in this song. I love you uchida :)
as I see it it's a LN training map, I've never seen those pushed for rank.
mania is totally dead in qualify
Da tweekaz ranked when ? :D Gratz !
I want to ranked Da tweekaz map, but it is impossible due to the rules of ranked ;(
ALEFY maps are love
A L E F Y breaking the mania ranked blockade
Wow is it real that i see the 'ALEFY's qualified ??
'Lefy Lefy ALEFY' O_o
Thanks guys!
Congratulations!!!! owo)/
gratz <3
ALEFY in ranked section? What year is it?
obvious enough
ぴらさんとあるふぃさんが仲良くrankedマップを一つずつ持ちました!! JAPANESE MAPPING GENERATION CONFIRMED??????????????????????????????????????????
wait. piartom already have ranked map before this, doesn't it?
"ぴらさんとあるふぃさんが" "一つずつ持ちました"
I plan to next ranked... maybe
Giv us some noodles plz