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this new number one very legit :)
dude it's' been 20 days how has this dude not been praised yet
how is this ranked?
my first 1m score even though it was on a short map
kolla vad dem gjorde med mitt lands nationalsong
men den är en banger...
pp speedrun any%
fun map to play
wait, where's the OSU!standard version?
cry about it
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13563469/74df why am i not in the top 50
your score was likely not submitted
maybe he is right :v idk
no u
mania ranked maps are a nice meme-
ez nahooi
웃웃 우마우마
Oh. . . Harder. <3
finally odaxelagnia appeared in osu
nice song hehe xd
When you had a good score for qualified and now that its ranked you can't SS again :(((( stuck at #45
I just blink and this gets ranked
at least the title warns us all..
half time for me
how did a 30 second mania map get ranked what
the length of a song really doesnt matter. Its a good map and thats all really.
30 seconds is too long, why is not there 5 seconds mashcore?
i hope you can reupload lmao
walao ray why you acc so ET xDD
30 sec map .. get 4.75 fak
lul no.1 at there
Finally a reason for me to play mania again
Mapped and qualified like the lenght of the song. xdxdxd
That's not meant to be a cynical comment, you're cute Hydria. Just want to farm some upvotes. And I dare you to upvote this.
ok fine
odaxelagnia <3
this was ranked retardedly fast.
You make me wet babe
dude already lmfao
Time for an 8* ctb map
shit it's nearly 9* what do i do
You finish it. And you get it ranked.
literally another circlejerk fast rank
25 days is fast in mania *takes notes*
3 months is still fast in mania fyi
*takes more notes*
lol 30s
no you
don't bully!!!!
mmmmm whatcha sayyyy