im here, nearly 4 years later after ranked, puzzling why this map got bombed in ratings despite being a very polished metal speed/stream map players in 2017 are weird man
I just meant that I really liked the converted version of Mazzerin's map. (seriously though I looked through this map and I have no idea why I was so harsh on it)
also sorry for replying 2 years later I have bad internet
There were some really bad problems with the first two minutes of Mazzerin's Promethean. It was too intense for the section in question. The messy patterns did NOT help the situation at all.
I respect your opinionated opinion, but I think you've made a gross
miscalculation. You evaluated that cross-screen jumps are too fast to be
jumped to when they are below a certain timing threshold (1/10th of a
second, or 84 ms, referencing your mod). I believe you've underestimated
the physical abilities of exceptional humans.
For example, let's
consider Tianna Bartoletta's gold medal jump in the Women's Long Jump
during the Rio Olympics of 2016. Here is a video:
was able to jump a distance of 7.17 meters in 0.96 seconds. That's a
jumping distance of approximately 70 cm per 100ms. Now, lets consider
the fact that most people only play osu! with a mouse/tablet playfield
of around 7 to 14 cm. Do you see? People are able to jump enormous
distances in extremely fast amounts of time. If Bartoletta played osu,
i'm confident she could do cross screen jumps in under 20ms.
Bartoletta was able to jump 7.17 meters using only two legs. Imagine how far she could have jumped using five fingers?