these hitsounds sound like im playing with a large plastic bottle
Wtf is up with those triplets in extra lmao
16 notes are all that separates this from being a 4.5* map
pp mapping in 2017 -_-
how can this be so bad
wow most of the comments say the map are bad i guess its you're offset or you're just bad at this game
*I guess its your offset* not you're
literally all your comments are negative, are there any maps you do like?
another 1
ayy im on for once lol
Nice pishifat BG!
hello there
so let's be honest
needs more lolis
krt ranking gd in 2017 loooool
nice sword art online background
You could give for the last diff another name (not like in the map by Zare) :thinking: What's more you could take another background (ye, i know that you wrote "from Zare's map, but dude xd)
i was hella retarded sorry
map is different at least? edit: holy fuck. D:
YES <3
Who is krt i only know Firis Mistlud
the bg flip meme
he shouldve flipped it upside down so nobody would've noticed
Flipped BG :)
u know flowers cant grow like that :c