mapped by Zyl
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 5 November 2022 so it was graveyarded...
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I worry about the overall object density of this difficulty. It's recommended within the Ranking Criteria to avoid slider only sections and to use circles and gaps between rhythm to provide breaks. There are some incredibly long sections of sequential objects, sometimes with just circles and sometimes with no gaps at all, that may make this difficulty unexpectedly challenging for Easy players. Most notably, you go from 00:59:346 to 01:51:346, 52 seconds!, without any gaps in rhythm. I would start by taking out circles such as 00:44:577 (3) and 01:09:192 (4) since they aren't as impactful sounds in comparison to everything else


Personally I'll keep it as is, the difficulty is challenging enough without making it a nightmare to pass for a new player, I actually inspired from the "Ultra Beginner" from this map, so it's not much of a problem.

Marked as resolved by Zyl