00:20:577 (2,4) - these are perfectly overlapped, but other iterations of this pattern like 00:23:038 (2,4) use partial overlapping. I like perfect overlap but they should be visually consistent
00:29:500 (5) - a triple sounds way more fitting here to hit the blue tick sound, but you could also do a 1/4 reversing slider instead if you wanna keep the density lower
00:29:807 (1) - huge sound on the white tick is passively mapped atm, would be more fitting for a 3/4 slider and circle on the downbeat instead
00:44:269 (3,4,5) - should be NCed to distinguish as 3/4 rhythm not 1/1 rhythm, also these might need a spacing neft cause it's pretty substantial imo
01:23:807 (3,4,5,1) - the sound mapped on (5) represented by the kickslider is ignored on (3), and the perfect overlap of (5,1) minimizes the intensity of the sounds on the downbeat. I would space (1) away from this pattern and either use a kickslider on (3) or remove the kickslider on (5)
01:38:730 (4) - 3/4 slider instead to emphasize the different sound being represented here?
01:41:500 (1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,2) - I think this section's NCing could be a little clearer to distinguish between 1/2 and 3/4 rhythms, like so https://payne.s-ul.eu/jhmE4wqS.png