mapped by Akasha-
This beatmap was ranked on 28 June 2022!
nominated by Shima Rin and Maxus
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Source being "CHUNITHM AMAZON" is kinda weird, i know the song was removed from SDVX but it still feels weird to have the source a game that came out years after the song got popular from another game. Also when other sets have been ranked/loved with the song after it got removed and still having "SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-" as the Source.


It should be fine to keep the source this way, if anything, keeping the source of SDVX seems like a good deal with your reason and I partly agree but as the song's contract is expired and it got removed from the said game, it just didn't feel right to leave it be with "SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-" as the source anymore. Instead, we chose the 2nd source, which got agreed to be better solution.

A source doesn't have to be consistent with ranked/loved maps, as long as it did tie with any official source.


source has to be consistent too though?
quoting rc: "If the same song exists in the Ranked or Loved sections already, the metadata should be followed unless it breaks other rules in the ranking criteria or the official sources state something completely different."

source IS part of metadata so it applies to it too


ideally i would support the idea of putting chuntim amazon as the 'on-going / oldest' source of this song, however with the storyboard elements indicating / crediting SDVX II as this song's source, this little inconsistency feels odd

SaltyLucario got a solid point there, plus most people would definitely remember this song from SDVX II rather than the later games where this song is being featured


1240162#2917921/7929528 at least this is what being told.

Again, I do follow the oldest possible source after SDVX II due to what happened.

For storyboard I've decided to keep the way it is because it was made during the time SDVX has this song become popular which didnt get added to other games as of late yet. Eventually I don't think I'm gonna list every logos into it and messed up the screen with those infos.

Everything else is included in tags. If the song got removed from featuring in the said game in the future, I don't see why I should keep that type of consistent. Because if it weren't, that's the source before I changed it. This should be precedent.


You guys forgot that sentences falls under "guideline" section, which means that it's never been a hard rule and it's always adjustable depending on each cases. This song definitely fits the bill for that.

Why? The song already been removed from SDVX II, It doesn't make sense to enforce such source usage where the song doesn't even exist anymore in the said game at the present time. There is a reason why source rule has been very flexible and i will quote : " If a song has multiple potential sources, any option is valid." Which means it becomes the optional component of what the mapper want to choose.

And also the point of SDVX II is what most people remember is pretty much very arbitrary. There's no proof that only one source game that popularize the game especially since this song has exist in countless different platform and successfully been popular through various different places. Moreover, the source rule never restrict based on those type of metrics as well.

The source already been used multiple times are not really relevant the moment there are external forces / condition that justified such usage to not be applied anymore, and i think instead of adding additional invisible rule that will confuses people even more on how the real metadata rule being applied, it's for the better if metadata usage keep being held in flexible manner.


It's fine to keep the current source. (If the mapper wants to)
