man I just choked 450pp on top diff, whyyy 😪 2x miss in the middle of the map on nothing, when I got 96,5% acc on DT, not even rebalance will fix it because I didn't beat my combo record... man, life sux
This song is either mapped incredibly poorly, or is just unmappable. Can't tell which. Certain sections feel right with -55 offset, certain ones feel even worse than normal with that offset.. it's just fucked beyond belief
Ok not sure if I'm the only one but I'm consistently having acc issues with this map... 100's everywhere, and on all other songs I can perform just fine. Anyone have an offset recommendation so I can get above 92% acc and actually post a decent score :')
Lol, this game is fucking stupid. delete this game with MediaFire and all sites of download osu!, delete all videos of how to download Osu! , this game is fucking stupid.
Lol, this game is fucking stupid. delete this game with MediaFire and all sites of download osu!, delete all videos of how to download Osu! , this game is fucking stupid.
knew he was a cheater since the beginning, and i call the same for mygh69 80%, this dude came in the top50 and now top20 from nowhere seriously.. and for ppl who says hes an offline player... pls ! since when its a style to be an offline player ...?
mygh69 is probably the most painfully obvious multi that I've seen. It's not hard to figure out.
Also I've been playing offline for about a month now so I can just play the game without worrying about pp or having people bothering me. I don't constantly ping Tillerino with /np to see if something is worth playing, I just play it. There's no difference for me if I play the ranked version of a map or edit it to hell and back to try to practice something. I get more done, and I enjoy it more. Point is, it's not a style, it's just a matter of preference.