Believe no one.There I ruined this song.(loved it)
For the love of god and all that is holy, why would you put those double-stack jumps at the end without having any in the map beforehand
Just Belive my fellow biscutz
Kawaii :3
Playing Hard:pfft so easy guess i play insane After Playing insane:What The FUUUUUUUUUUDGE
I love this song ♥
5th for the moment, better ss it while it last, lol
fuck this spinner end
lol thought I was the only one...although I was not payin' attention.
I found something to do.
Amazing BG
Dat's from "Your Diary"
Sure is :3
"I believe" pewdiepie should get off the damn homepage.
oh why is that? don't hate on him. (~~,)
Nishino Kana :3
It's Easy
Nishino is love....Nishino is live ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So True
osu! needs more Nishino Kana (and also J-Pop)
Yup yup ^^
November 23rd came early this year <3
Nishino Kana ♥ i just love playing her songs so much.
marry me Nishino san !!!!!
OH NO! *grabbing Kana's hand and run*