source should be 咎狗の血 can put togainu no chi in the tag field
togainu no chi
fixed, as for ur other mods, i'll try and apply them when I have the time
Most of players have effect sound below 40% so I suggest you increase hs up to 35-65% as you like more. 5% is too low
the volume doesn't really matter as u won't be hearing anything anyway, u might b getting confused w std I believe
Also use any hitsound-normal. ig any BN will ask for it. You can find alot of hitsounds there https://linktr.ee/famoss but dont forget to mention famoss in beatmap description
unless the ranking criteria is outdated, u shouldn't have to. besides, I already do have a soft-hitnormal, it's just silent that's all
offset is a little off, try 00:00:264 - instead
do this before you do the timeline and general mods I gave you
fixed, and before all the other mods too dw
Good Dumps