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same shtick with rolls as here -> #4830265


Most of my gripes for your kantan are repeats from shokyuu #4830293. I will use that as a base for this mod...

You can steal whatever you do in the intro from Shokyuu for Kantan.

The verse can be stolen aswell but adding 00:44:497 (17) - , 00:46:155 (21) - , and 00:47:813 (25,26) -

The Kiai being at such a high bpm may mean you need to simplify patterns even more and keep them shorter. If you follow the main pattern in the music here you get |x..x..x.| repeating, you can do that for 8 measures and have a 4/1 rest moment, then copy and paste the section for the next 8 bars.

It may be boring but it works, you can find something else to do too no pressure to accept this suggestion as I can't think of any other variations that would work here in the Kiai ;w;

The first part of the outro is effectively the same as the verse before the chorus so I would recommend doing something similar there just like in the Shokyuu.
