I know about this however I can't get it otherwise so I was hoping whoever reported it could have gotten it for me
You can use https://www.waifu2x.net to reduce the photo size without losing quality. Also .jpg is smaller in size than .png
Doesn't go to jpg of what I noticed and the png stays above 2.5 mb when done, any other solution or can u perhaps send me it?
Sure, I texted you DM
don't see it
I know we have 5 ranked beatmap of this song but meh
shokyuu, kantan, futsuu, and muzukashii are not base SV 1.4 or 1.6
It's not needed, base sv can be lower than 1.4 to however far you want. In the end it's the sv timings that are placed. Instead of lowering every sv point by .2 I just lowered the base one to save time.
lets go
Really good taiko map
very beautiful, very powerful