Source should be ロックマン エグゼ5DS ツインリーダーズ
with a space
I found a link to the official website that was used in the past and will add it.
official website.
battle network 5 twin leaders
-> Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS
+ Rockman EXE 5 DS Twin Leaders
full and complete english names? its ok to keep duplicated words when it forms a complete termgame
after video
for quote searchingrockman.exe
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS Rockman EXE 5 DS Twin Leaders electronic video game megaman mega man rockman exe rockman.exe instrumental game boy advance gba capcom 高野充彦 Takano Mitsuhiko
All diffs
Hey I get that the 2nd half of the song (00:35:301 onwards) is identical to the first part, but since your map is only 1 minute long, I think it is not good to copy and paste the first part to the second since it will be a bit boring to play, Moreover it also means that 50% of the map is copy and pasted, which doesn't sound that good.
I think at the bare minimum you can change up the colouring of the 2nd half to be different to the 1st half, to show some variety. OR you can just あべこべ but make sure all colours are inverted