A few things about tags.
The song surely doesn’t have a proper language, but I’ve seen some people putting “other” as language if the song contains some kind of vocals, or at least put “other” in tags.
Also, you can add “male vocals” and “edm” to tags.
If you add them pls do so with my GD as well :3
Turn this 01:31:156 (14), this 01:32:156 (20) and this 01:36:156 (47) to kat to follow the hihats and not making all the triplets in this section ddd
Pls don't do this pattern 01:10:905 (6,7,8,9,10,11). You can make this better by moving this note 01:10:905 (6) here 01:10:823
00:13:656 (45) Turn into kat to match the hi-hat sound? Also to generally make this section a bit harder since it seems more like a muzukashii than an oni.
Same thing here to follow the snare sound 00:15:989 (62)