+-+-+-+-+-+ GENERAL CHECK +-+-+-+-+-+
Around 18-19hHz highest to 22kHz or above (192Kbps) [ fine ]
Title : R U 4 Me? (Cut Ver.) [✅]
Romanised : [N/A]
Artist : Middle Kids [✅]
Romanised : [N/A]
Source : [N/A]
Mapset Verifier : [❌]
what is this?
top difficulty
it not like other seems like you put duplicate timeline here.
remove one
Tags : english indie rock pop today we're the greatest we are you for four icedtea96 2021
you need to add short version
for it as the cut version of it mean shorter
optional : you can add it
for icedtea gd since it look weird of his inital name to used as diff name (being warn in mv program)
Copy-Paste : english indie rock pop today we're the greatest we are you for four icedtea96 2021 short version it
Hitsound : nothing wrong [✅]
Offset : [✅]
File : [N/A]
Metadata : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6MRomiT6RU
BG : 90676916_p0_master1200.jpg 839KB
=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/= GENERAL CHECK =/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=
Summary: 🟢
Song Folder
No unused files. ✔️
Audio file is in .ogg and has an average of 183 kbps (via Mapset Verifier), it is good. ✔️
⟣ Background Dimensions: 1200 x 854 ✔️
⟣ Size: 839 KB ✔️
⟣ Image Format: .jpg ✔️
⟣ Is peak within 5ms? ✔️
⟣ Is the audio format either in .wav or .ogg? ✔️
⟣ Is it audible? ✔️
⟣ Is it over 25ms long? ✔️
⟣ Is it appropriate? ✔️
Summary: 🔴
⟣ BPM: Average 230 (220 - 236)
Metronome aligns with song and it follows good multi-timing practices. BPM does sound in the 200s because of how fast the drums are playing, especially the snares. ✔️
00:00:679, 00:46:610, 00:48:696, 00:48:696 and 01:05:401 - All these green lines are unneeded and change nothing, they should be removed. If you want to keep kiais, you can activate them with red lines instead. ❌
⟣ Easy
[OD: 6.5 / HP: 6.5]
⟣ Normal
[OD: 7 / HP: 7]
⟣ IT's Hard
[OD: 7.5 / HP: 7.5]
⟣ Do not ignore me
[OD: 8 / HP: 8]
Follows traditional practices, it is good. ✔️
The mapset has enough difficulties for ranking. ✔️
Summary: 🟡
Artist/Romanised Artist
- Middle Kids ✔️
Title/Romanised Title
- R U 4 Me? (Cut Ver.) ✔️
- N/A ✔️
Current Tags english rock pop today we're the greatest we are you for four IcedTea96
- This is an indie rock song2021
- Album came out in 2021Final Tags (copy & paste) english indie rock pop today we're the greatest we are you for four IcedTea96 2021
Album/Song Info today we're the greatest we are you for four 2021
Map Info IcedTea96
Genre & Language english indie rock pop
Metadata Sources
I would suggest placing the preview point at 01:05:401 because the instruments are more active and has a more passionate singing performance.
Nitpicky, but I think you should capitalize the difficulty name for the top difficulty into Do Not Ignore Me
, it just looks cleaner and suits better with the formatting of the song title.