=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/= GENERAL CHECK =/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=
Summary: 🟢
Song Folder
No unused files. ✔️
Audio file is in .ogg and has an average of 183 kbps (via Mapset Verifier), it is good. ✔️
⟣ Background Dimensions: 1200 x 854 ✔️
⟣ Size: 839 KB ✔️
⟣ Image Format: .jpg ✔️
⟣ Is peak within 5ms? ✔️
⟣ Is the audio format either in .wav or .ogg? ✔️
⟣ Is it audible? ✔️
⟣ Is it over 25ms long? ✔️
⟣ Is it appropriate? ✔️
Summary: 🔴
⟣ BPM: Average 230 (220 - 236)
Metronome aligns with song and it follows good multi-timing practices. BPM does sound in the 200s because of how fast the drums are playing, especially the snares. ✔️
00:00:679, 00:46:610, 00:48:696, 00:48:696 and 01:05:401 - All these green lines are unneeded and change nothing, they should be removed. If you want to keep kiais, you can activate them with red lines instead. ❌
⟣ Easy
[OD: 6.5 / HP: 6.5]
⟣ Normal
[OD: 7 / HP: 7]
⟣ IT's Hard
[OD: 7.5 / HP: 7.5]
⟣ Do not ignore me
[OD: 8 / HP: 8]
Follows traditional practices, it is good. ✔️
The mapset has enough difficulties for ranking. ✔️
Summary: 🟡
Artist/Romanised Artist
- Middle Kids ✔️
Title/Romanised Title
- R U 4 Me? (Cut Ver.) ✔️
- N/A ✔️
Current Tags english rock pop today we're the greatest we are you for four IcedTea96
- This is an indie rock song2021
- Album came out in 2021Final Tags (copy & paste) english indie rock pop today we're the greatest we are you for four IcedTea96 2021
Album/Song Info today we're the greatest we are you for four 2021
Map Info IcedTea96
Genre & Language english indie rock pop
Metadata Sources
I would suggest placing the preview point at 01:05:401 because the instruments are more active and has a more passionate singing performance.
Nitpicky, but I think you should capitalize the difficulty name for the top difficulty into Do Not Ignore Me
, it just looks cleaner and suits better with the formatting of the song title.