I completely forgot that i made this gd lmao
I completely disagree with this mod in the first place, except for the rest moment things, but i'll explain thoughtfully and potentially how you could improve it better for your next mods c:
- rest moment stuff:
yea maybe it could be better, I would say that stuff like this for example 00:33:595 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - I would consider it as acceptable because it plays like an easy futsuu with lot of consecutive 1/1 + the song may not really support 3/2 breaks here, and placing it here would completely ignore drums which i mainly follow when there's no vocals.
If you disagree with what I stated, please provide solutions of how I could fix this issue.
- inconsistency in note density:
the thing is that I literally apply what you said on your first bullet, but without the rest moment part. The main idea in the kiais is that I map mainly to the vocals + drums, then switch exclusively to the drum when there's no vocals. To achieve that, I use higher density on the vocal parts, and lower density on the drum part. This creates contrast, allowing to differentiate better those parts with better emphasis.
interpretation: for example, 2x1/1 on 00:29:388 - emphasis very well those vocal sounds, and the 1/4 triples mainly emphasis the vocals + drums, like 00:30:668 -, 00:32:863 - etc.. with the exception of 00:31:583 - following held vocals.
What you suggested is your own interpretation of the map, and does not seem to take my mapping ideas into consideration. Try understanding what the mapper did in the first place, then try suggesting changes with the intentions in mind. You can still tell that it may need further work, but it would need solid analysis and justification (of what the mapper did wrong and why it does not work).
- rest:
high density stuff: density looks normal to me for a muzu at this map, maybe a bit on the high-end of muzu, but still acceptable at this level
01:51:339 - the synth alone make it justified enough to make small changes to this part compared to the previous one