mapped by StrijkIjzer
last updated
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#4809110 if u are willing to increase density in last kiai, here are some changes
02:05:608 - add k and remove 02:06:339 (8) -
02:09:998 - add k make 02:10:363 (17) - a d and remove 02:10:729 -



Marked as resolved by StrijkIjzer

HP: 5 -> 7/8



Marked as resolved by StrijkIjzer

As it seems you mainly are following the drums, please try to keep that consistent through all parts minus say the chorus/kiai where you can implement more of the instruments or vocal to make the map actually enjoyable, possibly skipping snares.

The section that starts here: 00:17:680
Should incorporate the snare you have been following from the last part.

  • If I were to map this, and this is subjective... I would either follow the vocal or try to follow the 'bump' in the beat by placing circles on the kick instead of the snare, but that's because I'm weird ->

This break: 00:49:876
Should be mapped, for consistency sake you can copy and paste from the beginning of the map, otherwise there is a fun guitar stab that you can map to for variety -> ... but for the most part you should probably stick to the snare

in general for a kantan, the less intense parts at 1/1 snap will be 1's, 2's, and sometimes 3's. Then the Kiai should be mostly 2's, 3's, and up to 5's on occasion.

One of many ways you can map the kiai to simulate density ->


Resolved 👍🏽

Marked as resolved by StrijkIjzer