mapped by HydrantDude
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00:01:077 - 00:12:048 seems to be mapped the same way 00:12:048 - 00:23:019 is even though the 1st part is noticeably much less intense, therefore I think you should nerf 1st part a bit.

I'd suggest you get rid of every objects that are in the middle of each bars (00:01:420 (2,3), 00:02:791 (5,6), 00:04:162 (8,9) etc...) and maybe snap the objects to the synth sound (so first object at 00:01:077, second one at 00:02:277, third one at 00:03:819... etc). I'd also advise you delete 00:05:191 (10,11,12) altogether since there are no synth sounds in this bar.

I think following the synth here would be a better thing since the synth's calm rythm matches the part's intensity better than the vocals' rythm does imo


Agreed, mapping the synth works better at this difficulty. Section has been remapped and nerfed.

Marked as resolved by HydrantDude