mapped by HydrantDude
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00:00:391 - This barline needs to be omitted

To do this, Press F6 -> Go to Style -> Check Omit first bar line


(I use lazer editor, for me I had to go to timing, select the first redline, and toggle on skip barline)

Marked as resolved by HydrantDude

This following mod will be addressing every diffs except inner.

00:23:019 - 00:33:991 why is this part mapped but not 01:28:848 - 01:39:819 or 03:29:534 - 03:39:134? I could see why you didn't map 01:28:848 - 01:39:819 since only the arp is playing there but 03:29:534 - 03:39:134 has the same amount of musical layers than 00:23:019 - 00:33:991 yet that part is mapped.

I'd suggest you leave those parts empty, but you could always try and map them all accordingly.


Yep I actually already unmapped those sections in my last update for all the lower 3 difficulties. Kept the oni mapping for 0:23 and because it follows the chimes, and kept at 3:29 because it's also following the synth hits, and those, as you said, have the same number of musical layers.

Marked as resolved by HydrantDude

good artist






gypsum wall board






it's my first mod, so... yeah.

  • For low diffs there is not enough sv variety, maybe it is not necessary to make it as varied as in hard diffs but at least in kiai zones it is quite possible to add fast sv.
  • For me personally, I lack a fast sv in 00:00:562 - 00:01:077 this section has a sharp sound transition, which can be played with a fast sv (the note at 00:01:077 can be made big for the same reason). Perhaps this technique could be used in other places, such as 00:11:534 - 00:12:048.
  • There are great places for DrumRoll in this song (00:42:219 - 00:43:419; 01:59:019 - 02:00:219; 02:40:162 - 02:42:905; 03:51:134 - 03:51:477; ...) at least in easy diffs it will look better than 1/16 pattern. Also in some places DrumRoll can be replaced by a spinner.
  • Since this is your first mapset, it may be appropriate to recommend programs like Mapset Verifier or Mapping Tools. There is a lot of functionality there that can help.

I have shared more general tips so that you can apply them to all diffs at once, if you find it necessary. Overall the difficulty looks good, maybe some patterns look too complicated in low difficulty but maybe I'm just a noob :p

...don't forget the tags


ty for mod & hype!
-I avoided doing SV stuff on the lower diffs because the ranking criteria seemed to advise against it, although now that I'm rereading it only says "use cautiously" not "don't use", so I'll put some in to spice it up, definitely makes sense for a map of this length to keep things fresh.
-Not sure why I didn't map the pickup bar, will add, fast SV on it looks good, thanks!
-I am a DrumRoll hater, I never liked doing them when I started, and still don't like doing them, glad they're not common in higher difficulties. I definitely see why they would go in the places you suggested, it makes sense, I just don't wanna lmao. If I can manage to let go of my grudge then I will add drumrolls in.
-Yeah I should really download some programs to help map, will grab those!

I'll scan through the lower difficulties for the harder patterns and see if I can reduce any complexity. Which diffs are you referring to exactly? kantan and futsuu? or also muzu? unsure where the line is for "lower" difficulties.


Kantan and futsuu yeah

Marked as resolved by Deerol

