hey! would be great if you'd atleast ASK for permission if you wanna take my hitsounds, please remove them.
Hello ! Oh, i'm really sorry, i thought i messaged you for that but i think you didn't respond, if that isn't the case then i'm sorry again. If i can ask you here directly would it be okay if i kept them ? I will remove them if you don't want to. Thanks !!
Oh then i'm sorry again, i'll pay attention to that next time, thanks for letting me use them !! (awesome hs btw)
I don't think hp 8.6 on this is a good idea tbh, espicially with deathstream 05:23:213 (1) - like these and 05:22:394 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - and all the cut stream that can lead to notelock. And overall i don't think having a so high hp is a good idea since it will force people to nearly fc the map to survive, and espicially on these type of map a lot of people will first try to achieve a pass before fc / good combo.
I would personally go for smh pretty low like hp 4 or 5 max. Kinda like https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1986938#osu/4127421 this (which was a 10* at the time)