mapped by Wen
This beatmap was ranked on 24 December 2024!
nominated by Confetto, Pile, and Verti
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dq on mappers request to add a diff


yall aint ready for this


those who know


those who actually know

Marked as resolved by Wen

he's cooking


loved map should probably be unloved if it's ranked with this diff


if not a joke, please make a message stating so, this will mean ranking would be delayed for some time as we would need to go through the unloving process

Reopened by Librarian

definitely not a joke, diff was uploaded with the mapper's consent with full intent of being pushed to ranked.


uhhh we have literally months could discuss about that and contact loved project members to unlove the set or something but you decided to do it after the set was qualified for a few hours...


The initial dq was meant to resolve catch problems but I was given the opportunity to push bmd's diff with his permission ofc, and I had the set dq'd with the reasoning that if I add bmd's diff near the end of qf, queue timer would restart all the way to 7 days. So rather than wait until 6 days remaining and having the entire ranking process restart, I could just add the diff a few hours in qf without any penalties. Sorry for any panic caused to my bns


apologies as well for the dq message if it seems troll, it was made with 100% seriousness but i didn't know about the catch issue and just responded to wen's ping for a dq at like 4 am so i failed to include it in the dq post


hello, the loved diff would be removed, as we just got the confirmation from barkingmaddog that he wasn't aware that the map needs to be unloved to get ranked instead, and he would rather keep all the old scores on the loved set

the post could be kept as open for the catch problem I guess..?


bruh moment


why can't one be loved and one ranked even if its identical you can only get pp from ranked one ? dont understand the reasoning behind the rule while there is older maps that are identical ?


as far as I know, we can't have an identical diff in both ranked and loved sets nowadays (unlike the ghost rule set, as rules always change over time)


in terms of avoiding content bloating this makes much more sense imo


apparently talks are still ongoing(?) maybe we see news from peppy or the mapper or the set host sometime soon




Hey there. I'm a coordinator for Project Loved here to pass on what peppy said in regards to this case. For this mapset, having the duplicate difficulty will be allowed and the original set will stay under the Loved status. HOWEVER, this is a one-time ruling and any future cases must be ran through peppy again, and this does not mean any other mapsets will get the same approval.

Marked as resolved by aceticke

Holy shit
