00:18:243 ~ 00:26:448 The gap between Hard and Normal is too big. Hard diff is even harder than insane.
For hard diff, an additional note for kick is enough. ("additional" means that using single if here is only a kick, using double if here are both of kick and melody). Same way at 01:40:294 - .
For Insane diff, I dont think use 1/2 notes for the deep bass is a good idea. It plays more like a rigid and unnecessary dump. You may inherit the doubles for kick from the original hard diff, and add some 1/2 notes for this synth sound 00:21:704 -.
Yeah because it will affect timing player to hit the notes. Especialy in lower diff
Also, this map has no SV at all
"If a Normal difficulty is required and used as the lowest difficulty of a beatmap, it must also abide by these rules:
Slider velocity changes that alter the scrolling speed of the beatmap are disallowed. Slider velocity changes to unify the scroll speed in variable BPM beatmaps are exempt.
Scroll normalisation must be done in beatmaps with variable BPM."
This is the RULE (not guideline) in RC. Please normalize at least normal diff