mapped by Verti
This beatmap was ranked on 16 November 2024!
nominated by Secre and sxy62146214
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could I ask what the source is for the romanised title ‘ Akatsuki Zukuyo ‘ ?

As far as I can see, the sana version of the song is officially released under ‘ Akatsukizukuyo ‘


The link you sent is auto-generated by YouTube and not trustworthy.

I believe these are two different words and that would be why they are separated like this


Only the description is auto generated. The title is set by the distributor.

Either way it would be beneficial to include source for the romanised title for future reference.


Nihongo jouzu


The video link you referred to cannot be played, leaving in doubt that the video is auto-generated and everyting about it are not trustworthy. Referring to common Japanese wording using and already ranked maps, 'Akatsuki Zukuyo' seems more consist.
I am looking for other music platform but most of the playlist that contain this song are not avaliable, outdated, or the platform itself shall be doubt. On there the song name shows 'Akatsukizukuyo' without space, not sure where their information source coming from.
If we based on the original Japanese 暁月夜 then romanising it should divide it into two words as it is simply two words.


theres still no source in that post.

what is "technically correct" is not always accurate to the source.

As can be seen from -> (romanisation that is "technically correct" & thus used on this mapset)
the artists' official romanisation

If technically accurate titles were used over official sources, so many song titles throughout all of osu would be altered.


@sxy, my site hadn't updated to see your post. what I said here (#4670660/12395212) is still relevant though.

as for not being able to view the media I linked, please use a vpn or proxy, as it's common for japanese songs to not be playable in asia (via youtube).


I am on a vpn and now I am sure that this video cannot be played. I checked the album video list under this account and only four of them are avaliable not including this one.

To summarize: I don't think any kind of these "official romanized source" are trustworthy. If we based on official Japanese name then romanize them ourselves then the space shall be there.


agree with sxy ^ i think if the description said Auto-generated then so does the title? Pretty sure the media you linked was released for YouTube Music and usually we don't use this for primary source


There is no official romanisation by artist and I don't think it's a good idea to trust auto-generated by youtube or other streaming services, they put wrong romanisation pretty often


#4670660/12395212 why are you trying to compare this with v+でいる, are you even aware the fact that most native speakers would say such phrases (e.g. 住んでいる) in one word. And you clearly forgot what miy said, they happened to be the person to contributed towards the romanization. Which in this case there weren't no official romanization.

it's called linking in linguistics. Try linking the kunyomi of 暁月夜 in one word


you should just steer far away from anything that says "auto-generated by youtube" imo, it should not be trusted. also who's to say that the title actually did come from the distributor? is there another source which backs that up?

the way things are romanized is just common sense and for consistency, even with what you posed as a counter argument with #4670660/12395212 a quick google search yields so by your same argument why is this not the same as what the distributor has on their facebook?

using what the facebook has does not make sense either way as well since "ha" is actually pronounced as "wa" in this case since it's used as a particle for the song you linked.


so by your same argument why is this not the same as what the distributor has on their facebook?

the artist posted it on facebook in that case, not the distributor.

every source coming from an official artist page states the song title as Akatsukizukuyo, whether or not this is used as a source on osu isn't up to me, I wanted to ask for the source as I'm mapping this song and would find it useful to know, hence the question at the start of my original post.

will close this because I don't want to continue engaging with this same tiring passive aggressive statements from std bns (arsalan & godhacc in this case).

Marked as resolved by melae

auto-generated youtube upload...

Anyway, Akatsuki Zukuyo are 2 separate words so putting them together wouldn't make sense grammar wise. Similar situation as the facebook metadata one. As long as there's not a proper translation provided officially by the artist (outside of auto gen youtube videos) this can stay the way is


Oh this was closed, seem I was late


siema vertigo


elo żelo


↑idk if the peace would come


let me retire in peace




More honeyworks Verti please


00:32:196 - to 00:42:863 - on salad+ feels too dense and too hard, not fitting of whats happening in the song

nerf each difficulty in this section pretty much to the prior one in terms of density/rhythms and it feels alot better w/ contrast


nerfed movement on platter here 00:38:197 (3,4,5) - and 00:39:530 (3,4,5) -

Marked as resolved by Verti

"Smoke" in tags



Marked as resolved by Verti



love it




