mapped by sandarai
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the splatoon 3 game for the nintendo switch




Feels weird that muzu starts off faster than union but then goes to the same sv speed for basically the rest of the map apart from some areas.

I'd say make them either same sv speed or make every speed change slower / faster in one difficulty. Making some parts slower doesn't really affect anything.


they match now :+1:

Marked as resolved by sandarai

Not necessarily an issue I believe but the start of the muzu diff is 120 rather than 200 so when checking the maps it will give a different outcome:

muzukashii: 120 - 200 bpm
union: 200 bpm

although this doesn't affect performance as it's pre first note



Marked as resolved by sandarai

patterning wise, i feel like you could do a bit more to differentiate between the muzu and oni diffs. in particular, there are some sections in the map with almost identical or similar note density, which you could probably do more to change up the two diffs?

for example in the kiai sections, it feels like the 1/2 patterns are quite similar for both diffs, whereas you could probably cut some 1/2 patterns up in the muzu diff, and/or add some 1/4 filler patterns for the vocals in the oni diff. for example, making the flutes in 02:46:184 as doublets in muzu, similar to what you did earlier 02:26:684

another example is at the intro (00:43:184) where the 1/2 patterns are exactly the same, you could potentially remove some notes in the muzu diff to get some variety and spread differences between the two diffs? for example, removing the 1/4 triplets in the calm intro section for the muzu diff

similarly, you could maybe undermap the muzu diff in some other sections, or buff the oni diff somewhat?


for the muzu diff, i'm not sure if you are aware of the break guidelines in the ranking criteria as a new mapper, but you should try to aim for more frequent 3/2 rests throughout the map (one every 16/1 or 20/1)

there are some sections in the map which have a very long stretch where there are no rests currently

you can use a tool like mapset verifier ( with the osu!taiko specific checks ( to help to check if the rests are ok

you can also use the rest guidelines as a guide to help you remove the notes in the muzu diff


i also kinda noticed that the patterning for 02:19:184, 02:38:384 and 03:59:984 are a bit different, it might be good to make the patterns somewhat more consistent (copy-paste and then adjusting might be good)


'chorus' on both diffs a lot more similar/consistent now, nerfed a good amount of muzu and reworked some patterns.

i was using mapset verifier, but i was unaware of the taiko plugin. now all the rests are fixed! thanks for this pointer i would never have known

Marked as resolved by sandarai

i feel that the svs could have some room for improvement:

  1. there are some inconsistencies in the sv placement between muzu and oni, where the muzu diff has more svs in some places compared to the oni (e.g. at 01:21:584 - 01:36:284), even though i would expect muzu diff to have less svs than oni

  2. the svs in some places are generally too fast, for example having 1.65x sv at 200bpm (3.3x sv at 100 bpm) feels way too fast for muzu or oni imo, for 200bpm i would generally stick to a maximum of around 1.25x sv or even less, beyond which it might be hard to read (especially with hr)

you could try to follow these sv ranges:
for muzu: 0.7 - 1x
for oni: 0.5 - 1.1x

for muzu diff in particular, i would also advise against using too many sv changes, keep the sv changes simple (e.g. only change for different sections of the song), since muzu players might not be able to read drastic sv changes comfortably

for oni diff, i would similarly avoid overdoing the svs, try to keep the sv changes clean and readable

for example in this section 03:18:002 - 03:35:984, the sv changes are way too overdone and hard to read in general, on the other hand using small sv changes would be a lot better visually (and easier to read)

another example is the intro 00:03:284 where the changing svs might be a bit too much here


imo since the song has quite a chill vibe, you could consider trying out a lower sv range for the two diffs (e.g. keeping to around 200bpm 0.85x sv), compared to the current svs which are too fast

basically something like the svs you have currently in the oni kiai sections, but with the base sv down to 0.4 instead of 1.4


completely reworked the svs on both diffs. i didn't like a lot of the choices i made in hindsight, considering they were mostly 'baby's first svs' they weren't done very thoughtfully. rather than svs being a part of the map's concept, they're a lot lot more simple now and i feel they're more effective

Marked as resolved by sandarai

bpm feels like it should be 200bpm instead of 100bpm? feels like the rhythm fits better instead of having 1/8 and 1/12 beats in 100bpm

you may have to rework the svs to fit the bpm as well


done :)

Marked as resolved by sandarai