the title needs a review for sure, there's no official title for this mix.
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the splatoon 3 game for the nintendo switch
here, the vocals are coming to their highest point in energy, and after representing them for a while, it would feel strange to give the trumpet priority over the vocal high note. i changed the note 02:14:234 (406) to a don so that here, trumpet = don and vocal = kat, which is established with the two dons at 02:14:234 - i hope this gives the instruments some more needed distinction!
agreed with change to k but i feel that what you're describing as "filler ds" are important to maintain the energy and flow of the section. a large break like that in what is one of the most driving parts of the song would feel out of place in my opinion. i did however remove the don at 02:03:584 to provide that breathing room. more meeting in the middle :)