mapped by -Doge-
This beatmap was ranked on 4 February 2025!
nominated by NeKroMan4ik and -kevincela-
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00:13:066 - 00:23:176 would highly consider nerfing rhythms in this section, it feels incredibly overmapped compared to the song to the point where the only indicator of what you're actually following is the whistles which ideally shouldn't be the case


I’ve been considering this and played the map a few times, but I don’t really feel that this section is overmapped. I’m following the whistles as well as the beat in the background, and the other sections of the map provide enough contrast, imo. So, I’m going to keep the current rhythm.

Marked as resolved by -Doge-

00:36:176 - don't know why this needs to be different from 80% when the song is practically the same as before


my intention was to introduce some sort of break after 00:30:398 to make 00:41:953 feel more impactful, as it's the final part before the section change. even though 00:36:176 is similar to 00:24:621, I don't see an issue with it being different given the context

Marked as resolved by -Doge-

would add Ranren to tags because 藍煉 reads as Ranren in onyomi and it made meta research much more complicated lol



Marked as resolved by -Doge-