mapped by iamadumhead
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Hype Train3 / 5
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This difficulty breaks from the monotone distance snap by increasing spacing, but the sounds emphasized by spacing increases are sometimes inconsistent

For example, these represent the same sound but have different spacing emphasis
02:11:996 (2,3) - and 02:32:422 (2,3) -
02:05:773 (3,4) - and 02:26:198 (3,4) -

I suggest standardizing to increasing spacing only every 2 measures in the kiai to emphasize the vocal + kick instead of going by vocal pitch


went though the map and made the same sounds have the same spacing increase

Marked as resolved by iamadumhead

Continuing from #4878970, the spacing increase is sometimes ineffective:

When the spacing increase is too small, it does not have a noticeable impact
01:20:932 (2,3) -, 01:40:719 (3,1) -

After some sliders, the spacing increase is hampered by slider leniency
00:56:039 (4) - 02:07:209 (3) -

I suggest making the spacing more prominent (around 2.0x DS). After sliders, ensure that the movement is still significant even if the player does not follow the entire slider.


made spacing increases bigger

Marked as resolved by iamadumhead

This map uses a lot of dense 1/2 rhythm, increase AR to 8



Marked as resolved by iamadumhead

By considering the song's BPM (188) and the rhythm choice from this difficulty, I believe that it is coming too close from being an insane. Think of the difference of star rating between the Normal (diff of 1.19*) and the Insane (diff of 0.82*). I would like to recommend nerfing this difficulty by simplifying it a little bit more, both rhythmically and spacing-wise.

Firstly, the distance between your objects and the jumps in kiai sections are rather large.

02:08:166 (1,2,3) - Get these sliders closer by using 1.00x distance, and you can still have occasional jumps to distinguish your combos or important sections.

Secondly, the rhythm choice is too similar to what was done in your Insane and Top difficulty. The picture below depicts the difference of rhythm usage between your four difficulties starting at 01:12:953 - .


i may have made the hard too hard

Marked as resolved by iamadumhead