dqing to adjust offset #4724724
nvm wait
overall offset sounds a bit off, i'd say like -10ms sounds way more better
melody feels a bit off that way but that might also be cuz of the epic snaps zun likes to do, gonna wait for what sharpay says
im gonna check that tmr, busy rn
-10ms sounds too early imo
yea agree with nekro and annabel in this one, i dont think it sounds better 10ms early
i usually don't really want to make a fuss over small offset but it clearly sounds off for me, not even just my ears but waveform also says otherwise for this map
and this is how it usually looks like
ill change
resolve !
-10 sounds way too early if you look at the waveform https://imgur.com/8z8JVma
I think the best would be -5 from what it was before https://imgur.com/1cDH2Db
yea -5 is better than -10 imo
ok ill do -5
did -5
can u add volume changes over the ending spinner cuz having it at 100% the whole time is pretty loud
Done 30%
can i have my 1 kudosu for tags
u do
reminder to include sharpay to tags
bg source https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/39421307
bg sauce