in 03:24:027 - 03:26:005 also construct too monotonous brackets which mostly constructs 1-3 -> 2 patterns, this doesn't mean that type of bracket is bad but need to give variety not to feel unnatural build-up at highlight;
for example, 03:24:604 (204604|4,204687|5,204687|3,204769|4) - 03:24:522 (204522|2,204522|0,204604|1,204687|2) - both parts making brackets and even giving anchor at col5 (03:24:440 (204440|4,204604|4,204769|4) - ). Also unforgiving 03:24:934 (204934|0,204934|3,204934|5,205016|4,205016|1,205099|3,205099|2) - next bracket without resting part makes harder than it looks.
Consider both using variety usage like 1-2 col or 5-6 col chords not to make unintended bracket, this is my polished pattern considering those suggestion
in 02:44:467 - 03:21:390, the chord usage and most streams are problematic in my viewpoint (even it is a highlight part)
forcing chord usage
There is too many triple usage that makes it awkward expression for players (eg. 02:44:632 (164632|0,164632|3,164632|5) - 02:44:961 (164961|2,164961|4,164961|5) - ) and this also results forcing sacrifice some main kicksounds (eg. 02:45:291 (165291|4,165291|3) - )
forcing stream
Considering map's concept is stamina and stream, but you don't need to force full of stream;
for example, 02:45:538 (165538|4,165621|3,165703|1) - , imo, I don't feel that part need a full stream without resting part, player can feel unnecessary stream that doesn't follow the music. Instead, adding double at 02:45:621 is enough to give a rest and following its music for snare sound.
for easier solution, apply those suggestion at 02:44:467 - 02:47:104 part first, and paste and ctrl H the pattern previous part at 02:47:104 - 02:49:742, and do same thing at 02:49:742 - 02:52:379 - 02:55:016 (and watchout 02:53:698 - 02:53:863, 02:54:687 - 02:54:852 those trill parts) and 02:55:016 - 02:57:654 - 03:00:291 ...
in 02:20:731 - 02:41:830, it may be very subjective suggestion, I'd like to change triple instead for big feedback on high kick sounds (eg. 02:21:390 (141390|2,141390|1) - 02:21:720 (141720|4,141720|5) - 02:22:379 (142379|4,142379|0) - ... etc)
for my opinion, making 1/4 bracket trill makes bad gameplay and unexpected burst for players (eg. 00:31:280 (31280|0,31280|2,31280|5,31363|3,31363|4,31363|1,31445|5,31445|2,31445|0) - )
please make another pattern like 00:41:005 (41005|1,41005|3,41005|2,41088|4,41088|5,41088|0,41170|3,41170|2,41170|1) - or 00:32:269 (32269|1,32269|0,32269|5,32352|4,32352|2,32352|3,32434|5,32434|0,32434|1) - )
the pattern that I pointed out are
in 00:00:951 - 00:11:500; (symmetrically same as 00:11:500 - 00:20:731) some patterns in this part seem confusing to understand your intention; however snare sounds are not clear to express
main piano sounds 00:00:951 (951|3,1115|2,1280|1,1445|3,1775|0,2104|4) - are very well and fit its musical phase but snare 1/4 patterns seem too randomly;
I'd like to suggest making sure the rule of snare expressing and making comfortable pattern in this beginning part
It seems that in most triple bracket bursts are not consistently expressed at 00:53:698 - 01:14:797 part
in 01:04:907 (64907|1,64907|2,64907|5,64989|4,64989|0,65071|5,65071|1,65071|3) - , seems not to add triples in 01:04:907 (64907|1,64907|2,64907|5) - better cuz even consider this part is highlight; bracket with uncomfortable pattern both makes unfair gameplay and diff gap that Insane diff used double hand-separated streams.
end burst of music phase (01:13:478 - 01:14:797) is not well-balanced and very bad feedback for players;
01:13:313 (73313|0,73478|0,73643|0,73808|0) - 01:14:302 (74302|0,74467|0,74632|0,74797|0) - which results unintended stack from col1
01:13:725 (73725|2,73725|5,73725|4,73808|3,73808|0,73808|1) - I highly agree that you want to emphasize triple with both different kicksounds, but IMO, this makes inevitable stacks or massive diff gap between insane and top diff.