00:00:498 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - feels cleaner with some of these holes mapped, eg. like the muzu/inner.
00:14:102 (71) - would personally unfinisher to give more emphasis to the actual crash cymbal at 00:14:451 (1) -
00:20:207 (116,117,118) - 00:14:625 (83,84,85) - I suggest making these triplets dkk
or ddk
to better represent the instrument you mapped, which is increasing in pitch subtly.
similar reasoning to #4476054/11905372 as there's a bit too many d-heavy triplets rn
I could recolor if someone else agrees with this tho
00:24:742 (67) - k to give more emphasis on both the piano chord and the final note 00:24:916 (68) - by contrast?
00:35:032 (168) - consider moving to 00:34:858, bc the notes in this section all follow the higher pitch.
00:47:939 (220) - The crash here is too quiet to map as a finisher; a regular note is loud enough that it overpowers the crash.
00:54:480 - would like to see note added here since the vocals start from there and you already try to do some offbeats other places for example 00:57:881 (16,17,18,19) - 01:09:044 (15,16,17,18) -
feel like mapping this takes away emphasis from 00:54:567 which has a more intense vocal personally
also very tricky to play even for an oni + players would think it's on the white tick (like most other onis)
alternatively i could map 00:54:480 and 00:54:306 which could work but still might be too much
00:54:916 (251) - Im not sure... maybe this sv is a bit aggressive for oni, consider using 1.2x for finishers
01:18:637 (17,18,19,20,21,22) - 01:16:021 (2,3,4,5) - change these so that they are the same? in order to be consistent with 01:21:602 (38,39,40,41) - 01:24:393 (55,56,57,58) - or 00:03:463 (2,3,4,5) - 00:06:253 (19,20,21,22) -
01:26:835 - either add note here or 01:27:184 . First one because you seem to follow the synth throughout the entire section. Its okay to have it dropped to give emphasis to the section change but then it would be nicer to have 01:27:184 - mapped to highlight the chained vocals on the next section. or you could do a rhythm similar to 01:29:800 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - instead
01:27:009 (456) - why are there so many 1/1 notes and 2/1 gaps? I think it sounds the same as 00:36:777 (175) and no need to reduce the density
02:25:265 (1,2,3,4) - maybe ddk d to get a better contrast since kkd d feels a bit off compared to the other patterns you mapped like 02:14:102 (1,2,3,4,5) -
02:32:242 (26,27,28) - maybe kkk or kdk to give more of the same feel like 02:31:195 (18,19,20,21,22) -
02:37:474 (867) - consider adding a note here to increase density to follow the crescendo of the drums