Musekinin Shuugoutai
(i believe outlaws
is not an official translation, but getting others to double check)musekinin shuugoutai
outlaws responsibility society
for titlesynthesiser v synth synthv sv
for vocasynth metadataelectronic edm alternative dance
for genrechanged stuff that's not about the title for now
from my extensive hours of research (youtube cc and wiki xd) it translates into "outlaws" in the lyrics, ●utlaws more specifically, but i had to change it into normal 'o' bc osu hates weird characters.
and "responsibility society" is more literal translation as i found out from google translate
i think outlaws fits more with the song's context, but that's just my opinion (might add the literal translation to tags regardless)
best i could find is the cc at this part , Idrk how official it is tho
Just for searchability really, since if you typed it comes out as that. That one is optional tho
isn't this also considered vocaloid? im not a vocaloid expert so u tell me
if its vocaloid u gotta at it to tags aswell
Doesn't seem like the preview point is intentionally unsnapped (as can be seen by all the unsnapped bookmarks), would consider resnapping it since it sounds really weird starting half way into a vocal
02:24:377 (2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this part needs a bit more stronger or audible hs cus right now sounds so weak and feedback seems pretty low
02:40:044 (1) - custom sample is cool but hoinestly i think its volume overpowers the song too much, id say to lower it on the file itself
current mp3 isn't great, found a better one: -> spectro
adjusted the ogg so you can keep offset as is
02:31:165 (1) - 02:38:276 (1) - 02:38:609 (3) - 02:40:054 (1) - the meme hitsounds here are REALLY loud even compare to the other meme hitsounds i legit got jumpscared listening to them for the first time xd i think u should lower the volume