Keysounds: Some pitches are still wrong but at least it's not half a semi-tone!
General check
Metadata: As discussed in BN server, going with just Koishi Circulation
. All good
Tags: Copy this exactly
Syadow- _Asha ATing FAMoss Electronic Instrumental Video Game J-Core Arctic Comiket 88 C88 東方疾走響2 Tr.11 ハルトマンの妖怪少女 Harutoman no Youkai Shoujo Hartmann's Youkai Girl 東方Project Touhou Chireiden toho project 2hu th 11 stage EX boss 古明地 こいし Komeiji Koishi theme team shanghai alice 上海アリス幻樂団 Shanhai Alice Gengakudan 太田順也 Oota Jun'ya ZUN 同人 doujin LN long note
LN long note
(theme of Komeiji Koishi)Timing:
to 8.0
, it is a bit brutal with the LNs and streams7.5/8.5
maximum, the HP is far too brutal considering the LN density here.BG: 2560x1440, all good. BG is 2.37mb which is unreasonably large. I compressed it to JPG for you: CLICK TO DL
Will notify this to moss, in the meantime no HS on every diff, will re-apply them once this is fixed