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This beatmap was ranked on 16 September 2024!
nominated by ulko and Boaz
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00:17:806 add a 5% volume in lower diffs for this break, like Ideal's diff does.

this way the potential tapping of the players during this break will not be loud


sure, works because of the build-up made in top diff

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there is more than 20% of unused audio at the end (currently 20.78% lmao)

consider mapping the outro till 02:37:822 or adding a spinner to fix this


dies added some notes to fill it a little

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personally I think the last 20% being mostly a huge blob of nothing with an occasional piano note behind a constant synth pad and some glitch sfx with a drum or two for the transition is enough to justify breaking this guideline here but shrug


the outro is already 10 seconds of pure 4/1 notes i don't think placing 20 more seconds of nothing but that adds anything to the map as a whole so i think it's justified as well


just to be clear I was referring to every diff except Ideal's which ended at 02:37:822 already, the rest ended around 02:20:316 breaking the guideline by a little bit, not a big deal but felt weird to suddenly end the map after the kiai that's why I recommended mapping the outro

should be fine now though


my honest reaction


ideal's current alias is missing in tags


🎷🐛 added

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02:37:822 - honestamente meio pessoal mas eu acho q o map poderia só terminar aqui oasfdagsohs

são 32 measures de praticamente puro 4/1, isso fica muito massante de jogar depois do sightread independente da diff, só de cortar na metade eu acho que ajuda bastante já que a música praticamente para por completo nessa timestamp


pior que eu particularmente não sou fã de corte bruto se ainda tem música rolando, independente da densidade, se a música ainda apresenta uma forma de ser representada com notas, eu ainda a aplico

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for kantan and futsuu (maybe muzu/oni if you prefer to):
00:17:772 to 00:30:901 could remove the notes in between to have a break, imo the dons representing the cutoff bass/kicks may be kind of unintuitive, also the break is just cool imo


that's tricky, I will let top diff only with that section mapped

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00:35:278 01:45:303 pretty good spaces for a finisher if you ask me, apply in lower diffs if possible


Added to k/f

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there's a .obs file in your folder, remove it if you are not going to use it


how in the world that is in there

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02:20:316 - eu acho que a ideia do spinner é legal mas vc provavelmente deveria fazer todas as diffs serem spinner no começo, fica meio estranho pra spread as lower diffs terem nota ali enquanto do oni pra cima tem spinner

se for colocar eu acho melhor começar o spinner no 02:21:410 pra evitar problema com rest nas lower diffs (kantan/futsuu/muzukashii), caso também queria fazer eles mais longos, dá pra separar em spinners separados, por exemplo:

começa o spinner no 02:21:410, termina no 02:23:598, começa no 02:24:692, termina no 02:27:975.

fazendo assim (em todas as diffs de preferência, ajustando os rests se quiser, mas vai de você) da pra deixar a mesma duração do spinner da top diff nas lowers sem atrapalhar o spread


fui perceber depois de fazer o mod que você tinha comentado sobre mexer nisso na minha dm oasfkdjhag
talvez fazendo assim dê certo no final


Ah sim, eu que não atualizei mesmo, agora tá sem spinner nessa parte, e o do final eu deixei com gap de 1/1 em todas as diffs

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Audio is pretty lackluster. It's at 128kbps I understand that this is a breakcore remix done by a different artist on soundcloud, thus finding a better mp3 is harder. But KoçitSkoria appears to be somewhat active on soundcloud, so you could realistically DM them, explain what you're doing, and politely ask for a higher quality version of the track. I've done it with another artist and they were more than happy to do so.



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I'd recommend re-exporting the audio with at least 0.25 seconds and silence at the beginning. Since the song begins right at the beginning of the audio file, it's very hard to see if timing offset is correct since you can't scroll behind the timing line. I also recommend doing it AFTER you get a good quality audio file.


Afterwards, double check the timing.



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You have some spread issues, in my opinion. The spread is KFMOI, however, Oni is 5.23*, which is squarely in Inner Oni territory.

In Oni, you have ALOT of 1/4, and since this song is at 219 BPM, makes it very difficult. To make things worse, the patterns for the 1/4 notes, are either too long or aren't easy. here are some examples of difficult 1/4 snappings in Oni:

However, you then have the opposite issue in Muzukashii, you have 0 1/4 snappings. Though, that's actually fine. It makes sense that you didn't add 1/4, since at 219 BPM, 1/4 snappings would be pretty difficult. The way that it becomes an issue is when you go from Muzukashii, to Oni. You go from zero 1/4 snappings, to suddenly have 170 of them. The jumps should be more like steps. Ideally, a player should be able start from Kantan and then learn how to play all the way up to Inner Oni, by just playing all of the difficulties of the same map. If you have one difficulty too far apart from another one, players can't make that progression.

To fix this I suggest the following. Rename Oni to Inner Oni and buff it slightly, create a new difficulty based off of the Old Oni, delete some of the hard 1/4 rhythms and tweak the colors to make them easier. Name this new difficulty Oni and you're done. You should aim for these difficulties to have a Star Rating of around 4.5*-4.75* for Oni and then ~5.25* for Inner Oni. That way, players can more smoothly progress from Muzukashii, all the way up to the Top difficulty.


About that, being unaware and using short KMFOI ranked sets as reference didnt helped much, I was considering making a diff to reduce the gap between the top diff to Oni, but as far as I've seen, a few retouches will be needed.

Will apply the changes for the oni, muzu and the "new" inner to make smaller gaps in difficulty for the set



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Ok, dumb nitpick, but move Preview time to here so it's snapped: 01:44:976


Changed from the yellow snap 1/8 to the blue 1/4

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Kiai times aren't consistent, you start Kiai Time at 01:45:044 in all difficulties except Muzukashii and Oni. Change the SV lines to start Kiai at that time in Muzukashii and Oni



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Here is the background upscaled and sized to 2560x1440, the maximum allowed by the Ranking Criteria, and exported as a JPG to save some more space:

Current one is 1280x720 and a PNG, which is not ideal.


I edited the original image a little bit, I will rescale my edit to fit 1440p

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I'd recommend crediting the artist for the background in the map's description. There's nothing the in RC about it, but you should do it regardless.


I wasnt planning on mapping the whole thing at first, so I just forgot about the bg, will add it

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You wrote "yanaginagi", when it should be "yanagi" & "nagi" seperately, as those are the original singer's family name and given name. you can still leave "yanaginagi" in tags, in case people misspell it.


Tags added

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