00:23:648 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This is subjective but it would be cool to have a decreasing spacing pattern for this stream like you did on 00:28:293 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - to fit the violin pitches going lower
did something a little similar (actually I got pretty lazy with the DS for the stream when i mapped that mb)
00:46:825 (1,2,3) - This could also be more challenging to reflect the increasing intensity from vocals.
moved 00:47:212 (2) - slightly so 00:47:405 (3) - has a higher spacing for more of that vocal emphasis
01:03:083 (6,7) - Should use the same rhythms from 01:05:405 (6,7,8,9) - because the overall intensity is increasing.
At least 01:03:083 (6,7) - should be something more active than 01:00:760 (3,4,5) - .
01:07:728 (1,2,3) - Should move this quite a bit closer to the previous set of sliders, given there's no spacing progression within the patterns, the drastic spacing change is pretty sudden both to and from this set of sliders
Could also add in a bit of spacing progression like mentioned in those as an alternative, so smth like: https://i.imgur.com/2mHhUwB.png for example which I think helps make the big spacing between them more manageable/expected too
01:10:051 (1) - Since after this sliderhead there is complete silence it would be better to mute the sliderbody completely, either adding a 5% volume SV around 01:10:317 or adding a soft-sliderslide with no volume to fix it because currently while following the slider all you hear is the sound of the sliderbody
fixed (took me a while to realize how to do it because turns out the osu editor is fucked when you try to change the sliderbody volume)
01:39:786 (4,1) - Maybe it would be better to tone down this spacing as it is a 1/4 gap only but it's really spaced out where only vocals are happening, comparing it to the other spacings used in this section this one really stands out and it's hard to hit without losing 01:39:786 (4) - 's sliderend
01:56:365 (3,1) - This jump is just huge, basically a cross screen jump in a 1/4 gap while the stream's velocity isn't that fast it's quite hard to aim for what the difficulty has been giving so far. I suggest you tone it down to be equivalent with the other spacings you have been using on this kiai because this one really stands out
02:00:479 (8,1) - Spacing on this should be bigger than 02:00:281 (7,8) - and not the other way around.
02:05:808 (3,4) - Spacing should be much higher, at least in a similar scale to 02:05:215 (3,1) - .